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Female Khajiit Tail Texture Issues


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I've come back to Oblivion recently to muck around and play through it again.. so i deleted all my old saves and started a new game, but sadly after starting a new game and picking the Khajiit race i noticed somthing, the tail texture is blurred!


here is what i mean >






While the male one looks just as you'd think it would >








i opened the tail mesh to check to see if perhaps the texture path was going to the wrong one but that wasn't the issue, i even created a seperate ESP to give the female khajiit its own tail model and texture but the issue still remains.


As far as i've noticed the female khajiit tail is trying to use the Footfemale.dds as the tail texture despite the tail mesh and esp telling it to use an entirely different tail texture, i suppose i could change the khajiit female body textures.. but i've never had this issue with this texture before, it worked perfectly during my last playthrough with no issues (i've installed no additional mods since then)



Any ideas on what the issue could be?  (or if anyone has a good Khajiit female texture replacement)




Apologies if this is the wrong section for this sort of thing


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The tail textures path is in the esp.

Check your female Khajiit in the esp if the textures path is right.


Then check your female tail mesh if the "NiTriShape" or "NiTriStrips" is TAIL (Not Foot ! or the foot texture is used)

And the "NiMaterialProperty" is SKIN

If both is correct, the textures-path in the mesh is irrelevant. In Game the Tail mesh will use the tail texture path which is in the esp.




With HGEC-Body the Foot, lower- and upper-Body mesh has "NiTriShape" or "NiTriStrips"  Name FOOT , so the Footfemale texture is used.

Hand  mesh has "NiTriShape" or "NiTriStrips"  Name HAND.

And Tail mesh has Name TAIL.



If you use the same tail mesh for male and females it will not work !

Roberts male Body use the Footmale texture, so the male tail mesh must have "NiTriShape" or "NiTriStrips" Name FOOT.

post-3205-0-26980600-1440226319_thumb.jpg male tail UV map


And HGEC  female Body use a separate tail texture, so the mesh "NiTriShape" or "NiTriStrips" Name must be TAIL. 

post-3205-0-21947500-1440226332_thumb.jpg female UV map

!! Also check in the mesh if the UV map use the right part ot the Tail texture.

See Picture above: a original Khajiit tail mesh and in the tail Texture the tail part is only on the left side of the Texture. If the UV Placement is wrong ( in the middle or on the right side) it looks wrong in game.


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Thanks for the help! it appears to have solved my problem, for some reason the Nitristrips was renamed to "Unknown" for what ever reason. I suppose i might have renamed it by mistake at some point and not realize it.


But all is well for now, a few seams here and there but thats more or less the fault of the body/texture i'm currently using which isn't the biggest of deals, i'll just have to look for better versions at some point.


Thanks again!

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