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Dumb Sexlab 1.59 SOS Futa Question....


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Is there a pre-animation selection event which can be tapped into? Looked around, but can't seem to see one and don't want to use a cloak. Basically I wanted to try and automatically detect whether a female NPC character has had a proper schlong attached, and if so flick the sexlab gender switch. The closest I could get is using the AnimationStart event. However the animation has already been chosen at that point, so the first animation is always a female based one, subsequent animations for subsequent acts against the NPC are 'correct' - well in certain flexible terms.


Anyway current code I have used is :-



ScriptName XXXDangleDetection extends Quest

SexLabFramework Property SexLab Auto


Function OnInit()

    Debug.Notification    ("DangleDetection Init")


    SOS = SOS_API.Get()

    RegisterForModEvent("AnimationStart", "DangleDetection")    


Event DangleDetection(string eventName, string argString, float argNum, form sender)

    actor[] actorList = SexLab.HookActors(argString)

    actor akTarget

    actorBase akTargetBase

    string SOSName

    int i = 0


    while (i < actorList.Length)

        akTarget = actorList[i]

        akTargetBase = akTarget.GetActorBase()

        if (SOS.IsSchlonged(akTarget)) && (akTargetBase.GetSex() == 1) ; got a schlong and is female

            SOSName = SOS.GetSchlong(AkTarget).GetName()

            if (SOSName != "No Schlong for Females") && (SOSName != "UNP Bimbo") ; Assume Hormones with UNP Bimbo knows what it's doing

                MiscUtil.PrintConsole(akTarget.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " Is Schlonged")

                SexLab.TreatAsMale(akTarget) ; They have dangly bits, therefore make sexlab treat them as male


                MiscUtil.PrintConsole(akTarget.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " Doesn't Have A Real Schlong, (or otherwise coped with)")                



        i = i + 1








(Attached example .esp for anybody interested in something which doesn't really do what I want).



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If SL does not have an event like you want, and assuming SexLab.TreatAsMale() is permanent (I'm not sure on this)


SOS fires an event when characters get a schlong for the first time. You could listen for that event and then change the SL setting.

The problem I'm seeing is that the event is fired only once for each character, when they get their schlong for the first time.

Event name is "Schlongify", and it's fired from SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc

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If SL does not have an event like you want, and assuming SexLab.TreatAsMale() is permanent (I'm not sure on this)


SOS fires an event when characters get a schlong for the first time. You could listen for that event and then change the SL setting.

The problem I'm seeing is that the event is fired only once for each character, when they get their schlong for the first time.

Event name is "Schlongify", and it's fired from SOS_ActorMagicEffect_Script.psc


Ta, that sounds the sort of thing, (and actually makes more sense). Will give it a go over the weekend.


(Edit - Yep it should be permanent. If the npc has a schlong, then they should be using male anims. But, I'm easy on this. Really just a proof of concept thing).

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