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[DOA5LR] Help adding accessories to characters? *Episode 3: Legs and Things*

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While I'm definitely not first in the queue for a futa honoka I've been following your progress with interest, and I gotta applaud you for getting the mesh from skyrim to scale and stick on a doa model! Good work buddy, keep going!


Edit: Lmao @ your latest thread title change! Made me chuckle when I saw what you were alluding to, cheers!

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The end is finally in sight for me and my quest to be to apply accessories to characters in this game. Here are the results of my latest attempts:






This has the best movement applications so far, and I'm pretty sure this is the best I'll be able to get on this character. Basically, Honoka's body is weird compared to the rest of the cast, which means I need weird solutions to get things working on her. Her boobs wobble all over the place, even if she's standing perfectly still. it's distracting and annoying. The left boob in particular is so unwieldy. The ring appears misplaced no matter how I edit the files. Lefty just does whatever she wants, when she wants, and how she wants. This is the best I could do for now. This could actually be more related to the types of Honoka meshes I've been using for practice, since I don't think Honoka is even meant to be this big anyway.


The solution I came up with for the movement problem was to edit the imported accessories with the vertex weight of the area I needed them to go. That could be a different way of stating the advice that was already given to me earlier, but I didn't understand the terminology at the time. Sorry if that was the case!


Also, I've run into a problem with texture slots. It seems I can only add one mesh to a nude base body if I hope to apply textures to it. Whenever I add  a thing, it uses textures L_3 ~ L_5, and I can't seem to reassign it, no matter what mesh slot I give it. For example, if I add something to WGT_Body_1, which will use L_3, L_4, and L_5 texture slots, can I add another thing to WGT_Body_2 and have it use new slots? If anyone knows a way to do this easily, please let me know.









No turning back now.



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My understanding is that there is no way to add new texture slots to costumes. I never use the nude body as a base though, because like you said, texture space is too limited. I try to find a costume that has many accessories (and extra texture slots) and build from there (once I've deleted all the stuff I dont need). 

Also, I used the same texture for both the earrings and the wristwatch below (from Lisa and Lei Fang), by melding the two separate textures together (with a layer mask in Photoshop) into a single dds file. That is a great way to save texture slot space, but may not always be possible if the two separate objects texture files dont share the same dimensions (eg 512x512 vs 512x1024) or if they share the same visual space across the two texture files.







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My understanding is that there is no way to add new texture slots to costumes. I never use the nude body as a base though, because like you said, texture space is too limited. I try to find a costume that has many accessories (and extra texture slots) and build from there (once I've deleted all the stuff I dont need). 

Also, I used the same texture for both the earrings and the wristwatch below (from Lisa and Lei Fang), by melding the two separate textures together (with a layer mask in Photoshop) into a single dds file. That is a great way to save texture slot space, but may not always be possible if the two separate objects texture files dont share the same dimensions (eg 512x512 vs 512x1024) or if they share the same visual space across the two texture files.




Yeah, I figured that would be the case, though I was still hoping a method existed to add them directly to bases. This wouldn't be much of a problem for other characters, but Honoka on average has the most limited costume set in the game, with not many sets having a lot of slots to choose from. Thanks for the tip on combining textures too. That will really come in handy when I have to texture multiple pieces of jewelry.



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So I've been working on kind of an "exam" project to see what I've learned. The idea was to put everything I know about assert importing together and make a completely new outfit for a character using exclusively non-DOA5LR assets... And it was actually working out pretty well. Most of the stuff I've shown off in this thread was to be used, including a few new additions I was going to have... Then I hit a very bizarre wall with this:



This is a corset I planned to have as part of my DLC outfit, but it's suffering from similar problems to what my early accessory attempts did: it has wonky animation that won't follow Honoka perfectly. My method for fixing this doesn't seem to work. This is without changing the weight of the object, and it's by far the best result of everything I've tried so far. It might look okay from the front, but...



The problems become more obvious from the rear. To make matters more confusing, I've actually had this working perfectly before in an early test build. I have this entire outfit completely functional, but with one major problem: I hit the file size limit DOA5LR imposed on DLC costumes, which seems to be around 13~ mb. DLC files larger than 15 won't load on most stages, while files in the range of ~14mb can be loaded, but there's no guarantee the game will be able to load opponents or certain other stages.


I had to scrap my functional prototype DLC because it would only load on the beach stage in the gravure scene. I scaled the textures down to hit the proper file size, reassembled everything, went back in game, and all of a sudden the corset wouldn't animate properly. Now I don't know how to recreate that functionality and I've hit a brick wall.


I know it's probably a stretch, but does anyone have any tips about adjusting items that surround a character (like shirts, jackets, or....corsets) as opposed to small objects that just rest on/inside of them?


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i know i'm not the best to give advice, but if that corset is not meant to be removed, then you can make the skin under the corset transparent so it doesn't show if it happens to clip through. also making the skin that's not meant to be shown transparent will reduce the file size i believe. hopefully someone more qualified in this matter can elaborate. also you are putting in a lot of great work into this DLC your making, can't wait to see the finished product.

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i know i'm not the best to give advice, but if that corset is not meant to be removed, then you can make the skin under the corset transparent so it doesn't show if it happens to clip through. also making the skin that's not meant to be shown transparent will reduce the file size i believe. hopefully someone more qualified in this matter can elaborate. also you are putting in a lot of great work into this DLC your making, can't wait to see the finished product.


Sorry if I wasn't clear in the original post, but the corset isn't actually clipping, it's just not animating properly. The clipping you see in the second screenshot is due to the corset not following Honoka's upper torso. I.e. if Honoka tilts her body slightly to any direction, the  corset model stays where it is. It's an identical problem to the weird floating nipple piercings from earlier, except my solution for that (giving the accessories the weight of the area they're attached to) doesn't seem to work this time around.


Also, making parts of the DLC does not actually change the file size in any significant way. For the most part, characters' bodies are very light. I use a particularly high poly Honoka model, which would probably make it the largest character body in the game, but it's only about 1mb. For comparison, Honoka's normal body (including the nude mod floating around the forums currently) are about 800kb.


Texture size is what drives a file's size through the roof, and admittedly that's a problem I'm running into with these corset tests too. My original corset + textures were over 11mb alone, so that had to go. Unfortunately, even if the parts the textures apply to were removed, it doesn't change the texture's file size in the DLC.

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All right, so I went back at it from a different angle and made more progress... kind of. I finally figured out what my problem was with the corset being all weird. I simply lost track of the vertices as they were being imported and exported. The vertices I was drawing from weren't the actually ones tied to the corset or the body. Fortunately, now that I've fixed that, I can just use the tmcmesh whenever I want.







Where to even begin... For starters, my attempt to add thigh-highs kind of fell flat. Her thighs clip through the stockings because I couldn't emulate the skindentation. On top of that, in the process of editing the main mesh to do that, ALL of the seams along Honoka's body are showing. I have no idea why this has happened. For an example of what I mean, look at Honoka's crotch in the first screenshot. See how there's that fan/triangle shape? Yeah, that's not supposed to be there, and for some reason it only appeared when I tried to edit her legs to fit the stockings. It's weird.


Her hair doesn't have a shadow... I don't know why, but this happens every time I use another TMC file as a container for my mods. From what I understand, Honoka's hair data is stored in a separate file in the main game, so I don't know what causes this to happen.


Aaaand the corset's textures were too large, even at 1024x1024 resolution. I usually have some screenshots of me in training mode demonstrating some dynamic poses that usually cause problems with mods, but in this case, the game can only load Honoka and the beach stage. Other stages break, and other characters break.


Mediocre display, me. Mediocre display  :(


On the bright side, I at least know how to go at most of these new issues, when previously I had no idea what the hell was going on. I really don't know why Honoka's mesh kind of degraded upon changing her legs, though. I'm going to try and recreate the body against and hope it doesn't happen again... As always, If anyone does know why this happens, or has any other tips for the stuff I mentioned, I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get!


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Is that a new Honoka mod, or are you still using subsurf v2?


Nice beads, btw. ;)


I haven't tried subsurf v2 yet, but the body I've been using is a hybrid using the LOD topless body and textures from SaafRats and Timmyc.


And thanks. I'm pretty proud of my bead work. Probably the only thing in this mod that actually works the way it's intended :lol:

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