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Cast spell on death


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I'm trying to get a spell to cast on my death, but nothing happens. My spell is a targeted fire damage spell immune to silence and I have the reload timer set to a very high number. I'm no good with scripting.  What I have in my script


begin ondeath


            cast myspell player




            cast (some healing spell I can't remember the ID) player





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Ok, found shambles have basically what I want, but it doesn't seem to work for the PC. This is the new script. 


scn pheonixdeathscript
Ref MyRef
Ref BoneRef
Begin ScriptEffectFinish
           If GetDead == 1
               Set BoneRef to PlaceAtMe SkelBoneThin01
               Set MyRef to GetSelf
               BoneRef.Cast SOPdeathNova MyRef
               player.resurrect 1
Edit: After some playing around, I realized it's not giving the ability on start like I selected, and if the reload time is set real high, and you open the console and type player.resurrect 1, you're stuck on the ground and have lost active effects, but can cast magic. No moving around or anything though. This is beyond me if it's at all possible.... What I was going for was to have a powerful area fire spell blast away the enemies, then I rise from the ashes. 
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did more research and am a complete loss. It doesn't add the spells it's supposed to. Here's the esp if anyone wants to play around with it. 




Edit: Made some changes and tried setting pc essential. Still no luck. The above is the modifies esp.

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Saw that, had set essential done properly. Even had camera commands CameraReset to hopefully take care of the camera issue. I wish having MS didn't cause the reading issues I now have, otherwise I could study and put out some awesome mods. This one has caused me several migraines and a few seizures. It doesn't even add the spells. I'm hoping someone could look at what I have and maybe get it to work. There's 3 scripts, one to add the spells, one for a magic effect, and one to upgrade spells based on destruction level. The fourth is jut the hp regen script from wphealthregen. If no one feels up to perusing  this, then it's a dead mod. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So psyced, got everything working almost flawlessly. The only issue now is the spell that causes damage on death does not stay. The 3 other spells stay, and I even have the script set to check if the spell is there, and if not, to re-add it.


scn pheonixdeathscript
Short Flagdead
Ref MyRef
Ref BoneRef
float timer
Begin ScriptEffectFinish
If (player.GetDead)
set Flagdead to 1
Set BoneRef to PlaceAtMe SkelBoneThin01
Set MyRef to GetSelf
BoneRef.Cast SOPdeathNova MyRef
player.ResurrectActor 1
set Timer to 0
player.ToggleSpecialAnim SOPrise 1
ElseIf (Flagdead)
if(Timer < 3)
set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed
        set FlagDead to 0
player.HasSpell SOPdeath
If (player.HasSpell SOPdeath == 0)
player.addspellns SOPdeath
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