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Sexlab and mods that use it


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I have one question to modders that use Sexlab and other mods for the mod they make.

I do use several of mods and they are good.

But I have started to test some new mods, when the problem came up.


Why do they want to sort Sexlab, ZaZanimationpack, Aroused/Redux and Apatchihair in different ways?


It can make problem if you use one mod, that specific tells one order for those mods.

And another mod do want them in some other order. And there are some that wants those in other orders then others.


Is there one order that truly work for all mods so you can ignore the warnings from Wrye Bash. LOOT don't seems to care.


If this post is in wrong place, I am sorry did not really know where to post it.

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You should use LOOT as separate not the one in MO.


But the main question has not been answered.

The main question is answered as best it can be GIVEN THE INFORMATION PROVIDED. It's not my responsibility to look up any recommended load orders for comparison, you as the one asking the question should be providing that information if you have questions about it.

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