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Expression Editor question and help


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I need help to understand how exactly i can set up stages and apply them in the Animation "stages", as far as im reading the forum it has a Default set up, up to 5 stages and here is my problem, its not working(?). I get an expression while im in the animation but seeing on the Console and clicking my character its always at  "2:Dialogue Happy 50" with phoneme 50 Eee and SquintL/R 50

(Picture Below)

but my settings are not 50 Eee and SquintL/R 50 on the first Stage. i checked every stage it has different settings as it should have, but unfortunately its stucked with the Numbers above on all phases...  And yes its works as intendet on "Test on player" button.


on "Apply Facial Animations" its mentioning that it will choose the MFG preset, so am i missing something importand here? as of, the settings of Expression editor arent the MFG presets but a file in Skyrim Data that i need to change manually?


Some other mod is causing a conflict with Face Animations that stuck on that specific numbers? (could it be the Animation itself for not having MFG settings?)

i do use Female Facial Animation.




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I have the same problem but I have DST 50 instead, in all animations. I have tried modifying the different stages as well but it doesn't do squat. The only way to get a certain expression during sex is to disable expression in MCM and apply it manually. It's kinda sad considering the potential it has.

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After playing a bit around with some Options in Sexlab, there was a change in Animation and it worked somehow but only 1 time, need to check it more, it was late so maybe today later i can comment more about it maybe.



I disabled the Auto Stage advancement and disabled the Facial animation settings and enabled it again before i started a Test Animation ( Bleagh Masturbation ). Now i started the animation and checking the MFG settings and i was surprised it was different and even the Dialouge wasnt Happy it was Dialouge Pleasure? it did advance in Stages so it worked i guess... but after I tested the Animation again it was the same MFG setting 2:Dialogue Happy 50" with phoneme 50 Eee and SquintL/R 50


so i dont know if Disabling and Enabling of Face animation did it    OR   the Disabling of the auto Advancement in Stages

but there could be a Connection. Like for something its not Correctly ending an Animation, like the problem when you Apply a MFG Preset and its not resetting where you need to type in console "MFG reset" or restart Skyrim itself.


as i said i will check this later again, but i could be Completly wrong. I hope Sexlab Framework will find to improve this option because its implementation alone is fricking awesome. and Yes i know this option is new.


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I dont know whats causing it, but unchecking sometimes helps or its the Animation itself, maybe need to wait a bit for a better version.


i have a last question and cant seem to find an answer, ( maybe i make another topic ).

Is there a way to make a batch file with Delayed commands, so i can make my own Facial stage presets thats in  timing  with the animations? 


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I have managed to get my own settings to work but only with phase one since I don't have access to more and someone told me you need more sexual experience to get the later stages. If you look closely in the menu you will notice that there are two expressions for normal scenes. Try disabling one on them and make your edits to the other. It worked for me but I don't remember which setting I kept active.



You can set wich expression is aplied to agresive or consensual manualy in mcm. Later stages require your character to have some sex expirience befiore they'll start to show up. For example usually if i create new character she barly has any expressions for first several acts. For stuck expression simply type "mfg reset". It will undo all facial expressions applied by sexlab but leave those applied by racemenu.



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I have managed to get my own settings to work but only with phase one since I don't have access to more and someone told me you need more sexual experience to get the later stages. If you look closely in the menu you will notice that there are two expressions for normal scenes. Try disabling one on them and make your edits to the other. It worked for me but I don't remember which setting I kept active.




So that why its randomly works... because "Happy preset"  the first Stage were 2:Dialogue Happy 50", and pleasure was checked too for "normal role" which had a different strengh (30), i will test that.



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I have managed to get my own settings to work but only with phase one since I don't have access to more and someone told me you need more sexual experience to get the later stages. If you look closely in the menu you will notice that there are two expressions for normal scenes. Try disabling one on them and make your edits to the other. It worked for me but I don't remember which setting I kept active.



You can set wich expression is aplied to agresive or consensual manualy in mcm. Later stages require your character to have some sex expirience befiore they'll start to show up. For example usually if i create new character she barly has any expressions for first several acts. For stuck expression simply type "mfg reset". It will undo all facial expressions applied by sexlab but leave those applied by racemenu.





Testing a phase using the expression editor should work regardless of sexual experience on the actor. The expression applied when clicking test will be selected based purely on the active expression + active phase of that expression in the editor for the testers gender. If you test the default SexLab  happy expression on on a MALE actor while having phase 5 active for editing, nothing will happen, because males only have 3 phases for that expression.


The sex skills only matter while actually playing an animation, at which point the phases of the animation are selected based on the number of phases compared to the actors enjoyment stat level from 0-100 for the animation being played.


If you think your customized expression isn't being played, you'll have to be more detailed. How are you playing/testing the expression? What's the contents of the relevant /data/SKSE/Plugins/SexLab/Expression_<expression>.json file? And post a debug log.

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