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Is there anyway to change NPC hair color & skin tone from script?


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Guys from Forbidden Fruit have such feature planned (hair style changes for example or male actors with beards or without) you can try asking them how they plan to do that. Maybe it is possible to call for switch of actor appearance to another preset for example.


One way for sure would be to make two actors and make game swap them when change is needed.



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Guys from Forbidden Fruit have such feature planned (hair style changes for example or male actors with beards or without) you can try asking them how they plan to do that. Maybe it is possible to call for switch of actor appearance to another preset for example.


One way for sure would be to make two actors and make game swap them when change is needed.


That mod hasn't made a release yet, which makes me think that doing such a thing isn't posible or reliable. I experimented with various skse functions that are available, but I ended up with odd results.


This would add to immersion so much if I could figure out a way to do this reliably.

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Well, FF is going to be about a looot more than changing NPC appearance. That mod would be quite massive - thats why it's still not up and wont be for some time still i presume.


Talking about these two posts in particular




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