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Sexlab Honey trap


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It would be  great if you could get your female companion or yourself to be able to lure unsuspecting NPCs to their doom by offering them sex by either spiking their food drinks or by murdering them during a sex game. this would be useful on dark brotherhood quests were you have no voice dialogue option on them, being able to send your companion to lure them to their end would be cool  (just a thought) 

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Uh actually it alerts the Yarl of the Province your in.  He then sends a courier with an inheritance letter, they usually show up as you level.  I think one level I got around 2500 gold this way, couriers were busy.


lol, thats not an alert. i mean alert as in - "omfg she killed somebody! kill her!" then every npc and guard in the city trys to kill your ass kindve alert


i never get any money when i get inheritance letters :( . not sure y

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Kinda wish the "steal life" spell (or what ever it's called) in Angrim's worked on other npc's (it only works on angrim).


Okay so we need a new mod called Sexlab Assassin (aka Dark Dibella)... where your character or your followers can learn how to kill by fornicating!!!


Spells to learn

"Anal Anger" your partner (victim) will agro onto the nearest guard after sex, thus ensuring their own demise.

"Oral Entrapment" you kill your partner (victim) via fellatio (and if you have one on you) you'll fill a black soul gem with their soul.

"Vaginal Exhaustion" you drain the health and stamina from your partner, but it leaves them invigorated and ready to go for another round. After the second bout of boffing they die of a heart attack and you get an inheritance letter from the local Yarl... Profit!


I kinda wish they would give you the dead npc's house instead of a small sack of gold!!!


All you need is 1 esp with 3 spells (and a way to teach them to your follower).... no problem... someone will make that in no time!!!!

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