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I Know What's Wrong With TesNexus

Guest GingerTom

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Guest GingerTom

I was reading through LoversLab forums and it just occured to me: You can say whatever you like about their rules, their moderators etc--but in the end TesNexus has no heart. :heart:

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Somehow they got bit by the ego bug, which is strange as the people they are the meanest to are the people who MAKE the wonderful mods we all enjoy...go figure. It is a joy to be here where we can share openly and without fear of the ban hammer coming crashing down like a crazed Daedric Wraith.

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No, they aren't intelligent and experienced enough to handle the tricky shift to a commercialized platform with first and foremost new sponsored rules that almost nullify the own tradition... with care and in a smooth fashion. Instead they've chosen the easy way, the bloody one, wherein everybody gets clubbed to death that is in fact or just might be a risk for the platform. The fate of the latter group, those that might be a risk, predominantly targeted by denunciation (!), preemptively butchered in a manhunt by gunmen and gone, clearly proves what sort of man they are - bad guys. Keep that always in mind. At the edge of hysteria and paranoia they've publicly proclaimed: He who is not with us is against us!(Gospel of Luke 9.50). Well, this goes both ways, ye fools! (Vin Diesel)


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Guest GingerTom

Way-back-when I left TesNexus and joined up with another adult site (a small but busy one) and proceeded to get along well with the 'owner'.


Then suddenly, for health reasons, the owner stepped down and another well-known modder took over the site.


One day I announced in the forum that TesNexus was starting to ban anything 'adult/nudity' oriented. And I kept the others informed and up to date on what was happening on TesticleNexus in that regard.


Suddenly the new 'owner' closed my thread, saying he didn't want bashing of another site. I opened a new thread and told him I no longer wanted to be a member of his site if he was going to 'censor' forum members on an adult web site. And I left--and didn't go back even to look.


A few months later I noticed him popping up quite frequently on Nexus--then I read that his site was gone.


Nexus is bigger so it just takes a little longer...but it will implode--if you belittle your employees (the modders) and especially your customers then you're not going to have a business eventually.



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Guest GingerTom

When I say that TesNexus has no heart I mean that there's something empty, something cold about the place now.


It's a bit like the basement of some churches I've been in--to me it's almost a feeling of something evil...

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the newly hired moderators in nexus are fail too. The bouncing bread mod in nexus, a user commented now we need to wait for a different flavored bread. Then the new moderator gave him a warning for that comment being childish and unrelating. Seriously wtf nexus.

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I’m sorry, folks, oh, I really am. I hate giving good people bad news.


In the Land of the Dark everyone has to take matters into his own hand. There is no invincible dragonborn somewhere in the exile to charge Alduin and his dragons, no heart of courage that’d lead you by the force of the voice to the freedom of old, the wonderful freedom of speech and creativity you may still sense as an echo from afar, the sensible heat of a home to stay safe for years instead of months the dying elders perhaps still are whispering about on the quiet, a heat that is cold as ice since long. The way of the voice is no longer taught in the dark. Most that the elders know of them will never made known to you, and of the remaining rest that is written in the lost books and still to be found in the archives you’d probably believe just the half.

So, personally I don’t want to be confronted with the Nexus anymore. After ten years as Alice in Wonderland or cryptic Witch-Queen of Angmar, if you prefer the naming by the officials, I'm simply fed up with that 24/7 crap. And I don’t intend to soil my hands. If you’ll go down with them or not one day, well, that’s up to you, the many opportunists and minions surely will. These are my last words in the matter Nexus and the Land of Mordor.


_ Hannah

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*leaves a few Septims and a leather helmet at Surenas' tomb*


I never will understand why, in a land filled with steel, orcish, and even dwarven equipment, the most common thing left at shrines is a leather helmet, or some shoes. How do they even get back home from those rocky outcroppings where the shrines are without their shoes? D:

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