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TTW installation confusion


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I just attempted the Tale of Two Wastelands install.  It seemed pretty straight forward until the end.  I ended up with a couple of folders and a couple of icons which usually are BSA files from my experience.  You might think I should understand these things by now, but this is a slight bit confusing to me.  As FOMM is recommended, the site which hosts TTW uses NMM as a reference.  An exact placement of an exactly detailed description of what goes where is necessary for me.


As some of you are very aware of what's being talked about in the description and how this works is completely foreign to me.  Installing FO3 was a different process of installing FNV. 


With the two folders, Main Files and Options, then the BSA looking icons which I assumed were the FOMODs, they are in two different locations.  I used the BSA looking icons in FOMM to install this.  Since it worked, I figured all is well.  How do I install NVSE?  How do I even launch the game?  Is 4GBNV usable or even recommended?  It's kind of funny that I'm totally lost, but it sucks because i want this to work.


I feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew here. 


Right now the two folders are in (recommended) C:/TTW/ 


The BSA looking icons are in C:/Games/NMM/FNV/Mods


This is what I read to be correct.


When installing was finished, a prompt for an overwrite was asked, as in the directions, I went with the recommended "No".  Well then there were more prompts and then I went with a "No To All".  Goodness, it felt all wrong.  There is just no direction beyond this point and I feel like a deer caught in headlights. O.O   I need help. ; ;  Please.


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So, how do I launch this thing?  F03 is still usable with FOSE and FNV with NVSE or 4GBFNV.  It doesn't feel like any of the FNV mods are present in FO3 if I use FOSE launcher.  The FAQs section mentioned some stuff that doesn't work, but what I have in FOMM right now isn't showing up in FO3.

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Guest carywinton

Most of the mods for TTW will be ones that are normally associated with FNV, so this is how it should be, the "magic" is they will work in FO3 and FNV, so you would launch from FNV and not need to ever launch using FOSE, this is my limited understanding of how it all works. You can then travel between both via a train tunnel I think. To be honest I never tried TTW or Sexout, but it's looking like this would be a really cool idea. :cool:


I have also seen how helpful most of the folks over there are and I think a few of them are on here as well so I am thinking one of them will chime in here and get things rolling for you soon.

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Yeah, the concept is awesome.  The stuff I use in FNV I would always think how great it would be to use in FO3.  I started watching a tutorial video on Youtube and it just amplified the situation.  Honestly, as awesome as it can be, it really makes my head spin.  I'm probably not looking enough, but between the intro to the installation and then to the FAQs, there still are some minor gaps in information that are major gaps since I'm too dull to figure out how to make this work.


FO3 works fine alone.  FNV works fine alone.  I'll have to live with this.


Thanks for the responses guys.  I appreciate it.

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So, how do I launch this thing?  F03 is still usable with FOSE and FNV with NVSE or 4GBFNV.  It doesn't feel like any of the FNV mods are present in FO3 if I use FOSE launcher.  The FAQs section mentioned some stuff that doesn't work, but what I have in FOMM right now isn't showing up in FO3.

Either you mistyped this, or you're doing it wrong.


TTW makes FO3 stuff available in FONV, not the other way around.


You install TTW into FONV, not FO3.

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