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Estelles Apropos Utility (for; text overlay, quick text edits, TTS and F-F support) (v0.5, 2015-03-09)


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hey, yes I noticed that too, about the animation switches, I was gonna try to fix that but forgot about it.


as you said, the new animation tags are not in the log when it goes to the stage 1 of the new animation set. So I'm able to get the descriptions to continue but they might be for the wrong animations. I'll try it in 0.3.3:) (maybe there's a difference between the switch after foreplay, and switches that are added by mods such as sexlab misc. features.) 
the worn strapon types I can't get out of the logs, so, no way to fix that now.. did you use those in your descriptions? If so just replace them with {STRAPON} for now, I guess.

btw. thanx for writing your FF descriptions, kinda the reason I decided to support FF in this addon ;)



You're welcome on that database.  It kept hanging out there so I thought why not, maybe with the cart there the horse would cum ;)

And yes I went ahead and put the {STRAPON} tag into the database files for when gooser enables it.


As for the animation switch I don't think apropos picks it up yet in any circumstance.

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You're welcome on that database.  It kept hanging out there so I thought why not, maybe with the cart there the horse would cum ;)

And yes I went ahead and put the {STRAPON} tag into the database files for when gooser enables it.


As for the animation switch I don't think apropos picks it up yet in any circumstance.



but those custom tags work already, you just have to put it in the synonyms.txt file.. But I think you already knew that, so we might be talking about something different.. I'm kinda confused : )

the only tags that don't work in my implementation of FF scenes, is the {farousal} tags. so just avoid those and it should all work just as it will in apropos.


I looked through some logs with animation switches, and only at the orgasm of the 2nd scene the new animations actors and tags are logged. so the best I can do is have the right description for orgasm of the 2nd scene.. But I think I'll just leave it the way it is now, with only descriptions for the first scene. So lets just wait till a next version of Apropos for the FF stuff to really work. and meanwhile make some more description files for when it does.

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wow wow love this addon.  I think i finally got it working.... quick question is the original apropos text still supposed to show up in the upper left corner?  The descriptions show up there first and then they show up in the overlay.  Just wondering if this is normal.


Thanks in advance for any information.

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Hey I got it working thanks for this,


I want to change the text location but when I crtl+alt+T I get the wait menu popup D:




Also what about Pyskochicks file for Apropas cant seem to download it, are there other files I should look for?


I found it sorry didn't understand that's the one you have available.




I know it works but I've had several scenes with Lydia where there is some text in the "overlay" but its not overlaying anymore.

Alright so when I alt tab it seems to stop working for me,

Im using One Tweak and ENB booster...I just altered ENBlocal for the Borderless might fix that up.


I've noticed that the messages seem to come one after the next rather than at appropriate stages.


Its a far sight easier to read though.


When its a foreplay to sex scene we don't get messages for the sex just foreplay.




So when I alt tab which is a lot I find that "reload" on the icon over in the tray tends to fix the overlay and make it work again.



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wow wow love this addon.  I think i finally got it working.... quick question is the original apropos text still supposed to show up in the upper left corner?  The descriptions show up there first and then they show up in the overlay.  Just wondering if this is normal.


Thanks in advance for any information.


yes it's normal, it cant disable the original messages in apropos.


Hey I got it working thanks for this,


I want to change the text location but when I crtl+alt+T I get the wait menu popup D:




Also what about Pyskochicks file for Apropas cant seem to download it, are there other files I should look for?


I found it sorry didn't understand that's the one you have available.




I know it works but I've had several scenes with Lydia where there is some text in the "overlay" but its not overlaying anymore.

Alright so when I alt tab it seems to stop working for me,

Im using One Tweak and ENB booster...I just altered ENBlocal for the Borderless might fix that up.


I've noticed that the messages seem to come one after the next rather than at appropriate stages.


Its a far sight easier to read though.


When its a foreplay to sex scene we don't get messages for the sex just foreplay.




So when I alt tab which is a lot I find that "reload" on the icon over in the tray tends to fix the overlay and make it work again.

you dont have to press crtl+alt+t, just use crtl+shift + arrows, to position..

psichochicks descriptions are aready part of the db you can download here (0.2)

foreplay doesn't work because it isn't part of apropos yet. for female female, i think it could work if you put proper descriptions in the FF folders, but then it will only work for foreplay, not any later stages.. I can't fix this.

fix the other thing by reloading, you can press crtl+shift+r to do a reload without alt_tabbing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got it working but I get this big bar on the right screen from using One Tweak. 


Skyrim is set at 1920 x 1080 for widescreen mode.


Anyway to get rid of the bar? I have a 29" monitor so Skyrim screen with OT is basically 3/4 of the monitor screen to the left with the bar to the right. 


Also, with the overlay working, how do I remove the default Apropos messages to the top left from also popping up?



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  • 3 months later...



And yes I had trouble with screenshots with text too, I used picpick for the screenshots I did, so that should work. you can get it here. http://www.picpick.org/en/

regarding orgasm support, can you be more specific?

I think it is supported as long as apropos has the right descriptions, I haven't updated EAU for the new version of apropos though, so there are probably some things that will not work for the FF animations, I haven't tested yet.  The only bugs I have encountered so far are some non-description lines from the log files which don't get filtered. These can easily be added to the settings.ini file. If you let me know more specific what doesn't work I'll take a look. And please send the apropos logfile of orgasm not working.


For anyone using the new version of apropos, here the updated blacklist filter, I think there is still some log stuff which doesn't get filtered but most of it is covered. also added some extra unnamed NPCs. Also, I think you have to enable the detailed log option in apropos now for descriptions to display. 


;apropos log entries to be filtered (regex) 
blacklist=Values|Synonyms|Initializing|Arousal|Token|Initializing|Apropos|^----|nimation|Actors|]:|Tear =|wear and tear|reduction amount :|Found|Log closed|lost .* virginity|^[123] .+\w$|^1|tracking now|NPC W|^Stage: \d|^DisplayWearTear|listed as unique|WT changed|Actor|[Dd]ebuff|Argonian|Nord|High Elf|Dark Elf|Bosmer|Khajiit|Orsimer|Orc|Imperial|Dunmer|Altmer|Wood Elf|Breton|SexLab|^-\s|apropos|actorAlias|IMPERIAL|Redguard|actor|slot :
;unnamed npcs
unnamednpcs=[tT]halmor|[bB]andit|[hH]agra|[cC]ourier|\w*?\s[hH]old [gG]uard|\w*?\s[gG]uard|[hH]unter|[fF]isher|[nN]oble|[sS]tormcloak|[vV]igilant|[iI]mperial|[aA]fflicted|[dD]remora|[fF]orsworn|[hH]ired|[lL]owlife|[sS]ellsword|[vV]agrant|\w*?\s[vV]ampire |\w*?\s[cC]onjurer|\w*?\s[nN]ecromancer|\w*?\s[wW]arlock|[dD]ragon|[dD]awnguard|[cC]ultist|[aA]rgonian|[jJ]ailer
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It's working atm but there seems to be some sort of time lag between the message on the top left hand corner and the message that shows on the screen.

(Guess can't delete that message on the top of the screen?  :s )


Maybe it's just my computer having some script delay, but it's really nice when it does work without delay.



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I'm having a bit of an issue with this program. Whenever the text overlay is supposed to pop up, it appears for a fraction of a second and then vanishes.


Happens to me, too - sometimes. After quitting Modorganizer and restarting the utility it is working again. I have manuall progression active for SexLab, maybe pressing the space bar too often is not well taken by the utility (?).

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I'm having a bit of an issue with this program. Whenever the text overlay is supposed to pop up, it appears for a fraction of a second and then vanishes.


Happens to me, too - sometimes. After quitting Modorganizer and restarting the utility it is working again. I have manuall progression active for SexLab, maybe pressing the space bar too often is not well taken by the utility (?).



I've had similar problem when I had wrong settings in mcm. please make sure all settings in the apropos mcm menu are set like this.



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It's working atm but there seems to be some sort of time lag between the message on the top left hand corner and the message that shows on the screen.

(Guess can't delete that message on the top of the screen?  :s )


Maybe it's just my computer having some script delay, but it's really nice when it does work without delay.




There's a setting in the settings.ini, called updatespeed you can try reducing that.  (but it's set to check every 20 ms, so I doubt thats the cause of your delay) most likely it's script delay. make sure, your fUpdateBudgetMS = and fExtraTaskletBudgetMS =  are set to something sensible. something like 2 ms. (the 800 suggested in some guides is bad)


Unfortunately you can't disable the message from apropos itself. but you can (re)move/resize it by using something like, Less Intrusive HUD, but it will apply to all status messages. also from other mods than apropos.

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Great, completely works now (text overlay, my voices and the history). Thank you :D




I'm having a bit of an issue with this program. Whenever the text overlay is supposed to pop up, it appears for a fraction of a second and then vanishes.


Happens to me, too - sometimes. After quitting Modorganizer and restarting the utility it is working again. I have manuall progression active for SexLab, maybe pressing the space bar too often is not well taken by the utility (?).



I've had similar problem when I had wrong settings in mcm. please make sure all settings in the apropos mcm menu are set like this.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey I need some help the program have been working greatbut for one thing. I can't seem to figure out display time for the text.

First I had showtime at 120 in the ini file, but it was a bit too long so I tried to make it shorter. It seems I shouldn't have done that as now it just flashes the text way to fast to read.

It doesn't matter if I have it at 120 or 1000. And the screen you have uploaded for the settings is just white for me :P

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