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Serious playthough compared to Fun save?

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I know the topic title is a little confusing, but that's because I didn't know really how to say it.



I have a serious play through save with 35~ mods. I also have a separate save where I just mess around with sex lab stuff. I have my "serious" mods, then my sexlab mods. I want to know if there would be any way of making it easier to switch to one save to another with out spending 15~ minutes or more deactivating the serious set to activate all the sexlab set or vise versa.


Does anybody know of a good way of doing this?

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As I found out about M.O. shortly after posting this, I tried it out. I love it a lot better then NMM. The only problem is I wish I was able to hide the mods I'm not using in a profile. To make it a lot easier to add new mods to it and organize. I know that would mean it would require a new library of MO to create. But I have a 3TB so I wish it was a option to do. I have too much space. D:

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