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The New Beast.... (Finally got a game rig)

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I've been off for a while.  My precious laptop just couldn't handle everything I wanted to do.


We sold some land and as frugal/stingy as I am, I couldn't bring myself to getting a new computer....

Until I saw something while browsing Amazon.Com..... 

I am now starting from scratch again, but with a whole new system.


Insert Hubby Plug Spoiler:



So... I had to twist the wife's arm.... But, finally, she's got a gaming rig that will do all that she wanted and more.

Thanks to Amazon.Com, I priced out a rig.  (Prime Account)...  That no other place could match and we built it from scratch.


AMD-8320 (eight core) (AM3+)

32 GB Ram (OC 2133) Corsair - Vengeance PRO Series

GT-760 Ti 2GB

Liquid Cooled (Corsair H105)



Windows 7 Pro - 64bit

Corsair CX600 power supply

Ultra - Midtower Case





Thanks to this, I went mod crazy and began reloading every scrap I used to run and then upgraded to more advanced graphics mods.  I am even able to run RealVision ENB.  


I'm running 183 mods now, with no CTD's or load problems.


The hard drive hubby picked was astounding!   He told me that the Windows performance total is 7.6.   (whatever that means, I have no clue).


We spent about 800 dollars on this rig, much more than I was willing to spend.. I still have my old dell monitor, it is a widescreen?  but it works good.


I run everything at ultra now, when before I had medium or high and lots of stuff turned off.



Now I can get back to testing and playing with SD+, Defeat, SexLab and other great stuff... I'm really hoping to get Arachniphobia going again... Love to see those creepy crawly spiders... LOL.


The whole environment in Skyrim is so different now, everything is even more than I imagined.... I turned off fast-travel and now walk or ride everywhere and look at the scenery... Climates of Tamriel, Lightining and Storms, fogs... Lighting and all the awesome textures... the immersive experience was never like this when I was on my old Laptop...


I really never knew what all that I was missing in skyrim until now... I love my hubby..




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Congrats on the new system!


Here are some shots of mine!


flagships specs are:


3770k overclocked

16gb of corsair vengance

2x GTX 680's

2 ssd's with combined total of 1tb of space

2 hdd's with combined total of 2tb

h80 cpu liquid cooler.

media controller

850 watt corsair psu










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Congrats on the new system!


Here are some shots of mine!


flagships specs are:


3770k overclocked

16gb of corsair vengance

2x GTX 680's

2 ssd's with combined total of 1tb of space

2 hdd's with combined total of 2tb

h80 cpu liquid cooler.

media controller

850 watt corsair psu











Thank you.


I like the cases.  Something my hubby said about Corsair 'this' and Corsair "that'.   I guess they make a lot of pc componants that a lot of people like to buy.  I learned something about it this time around.   I always thought a 'computer' was a computer...... they're all the same, just some are newer than others...


A 'gaming' rig... as I've learned the term, is much different than the average computer people buy.....  and the difference is like black and white.... 


I have again been humbled by hubby...




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