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Is There A Single Good Male Face Model Mod?


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I'm sorry if this question has been asked before (I looked at some other similar posts but didn't find any answers) but is there any good male face mods? I tried making a male character for the first time and the face models were so bad I eventually gave up in frustration. I tried to find one yesterday but all I could dig up was a couple almost passable custom male races and a metric butt-ton of female models. So please help a poor soul out. If you know of or use a male face mod that actually looks good please post a link.

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I really like this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48629/?


But if you are looking for the handsome pretty-boy look you're out of luck. 


For future reference, please use the official "is there a mod" thread for this kind of request.


Thanks, and I'm not looking for a pretty boy. Sorry about posting in the wrong spot but I was seriously miffed at the time and had to post somewhere.

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