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[WIP/Idea/Suggestion Thread] Blackmail/Non-consenting consent


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I'd prefer options 1 or 2 or a mix.

Option 3, reduced stats, is just not the sort of thing that I pay much attention to for roleplay purposes. They are necessary to make the game work, sure, but I have trouble imagining a conversation like "I've lost twenty percent of my magicka, what could cause that?" actually happening. Skyrim doesn't seem the sort of world where everything is quantified I guess.


Also, imo, allowing players more flexibility also means more ways to play through the mod, which entails more reasons to play through the mod in the future.

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I truly understand the OP. My main chars, usually rather self-confident, independent warrior-women, barely have any urge to sell their bodies. Prostitution-Mods I rather limit to very certain kind of chars, like thief- and assassin-based chars that do this n the beginning to get some money, and later to get "contacts" (from a RP-perspective). But my warriors and mages? They rather kill a bitch than be one (sex only for fun, not profit)


So yes, some quest/story-driven mods that force my chars unwilling into sexual content, this would be very much appreciated. I already commented in a different thread recently, which was more about generally sex and story-driven mods. The following quoted mods are really my favorites and quite good blueprints:


It reminds me of a good mod for Oblivion that did just that : http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/271-loversggblackmail/

You could take a look at it if you have oblivion (or go through the quest with TESIVEdit if not). It should give you some good ideas.


This mod was also quite good : http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/92-player-slave-encounters-v0691-updated-17-jan-14/

It was composed of multiple short or medium stories around the idea that the player get captured in some way or another and is forced to do things to get back it's freedom.


However, as much as I liked these mods, I really would prefer them to be a bit more lorefriendly and serious (Blackmail-mods was sometimes a bit off that mark, PSE actually quite good as far as lorefriendlyness or playthrough-friendlyness was concerned)

Also, as much as I understand some modders need to get "epic": I recommend "start small", and rather expand/build upon different quest. Again PSE is here my favorite blueprint. For example, I'd start with a simple little errand, that leads you to get the plaything of some bandits for a while. After a lot of humiliation and abuse you finally get free, and end. A standalone-quest. Which could be later continued and so on...not sure if I get my point across though :lol:


However, as far as these three choices are concerned: I'd avoid 1 and 3 and vote for 2. the first is too much of a restriction to ME. I am the player, and I do not want my choices to get limited, or forced into deadends etc. Its still a game I want to enjoy, even if my char is caught in some unfortunate circumstances...I do not want to be caught as well...and three? Well, meddling with character-stats and game-mechanics...no, because see spoiler below, for me it simply screams:









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I would definitely love to see something that pushes your character down a certain road, especially one they don't want to go down.  I often have to struggle with the question of "well, why would this character do X?  Why would she turn to prostitution, money's just not that hard to come by, and besides, she's the Dragonborn!" etc.  It's mostly just RP sensibilities, but anything to put these things in RP/story context would be absolutely awesome.

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