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MBP1.4a+mbp++0.98a+x117++078+aio issues


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   I downloaded the MBP1.4a+mbp++0.98a+x117++078+aio OMOD file and activated it in OBMM. The core issue I have is that, although the Asara's Sirens and Tritons.esp file is in there, I can't start off with it as my custom race.


load order 3-13-14.txtI couldn't find any solutions to this problem, so I'm posting this topic. I'd really appreciate any advice you guys have on this issue.


Attached is my load order.


Please help me, I'm new to modding.



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That is because those files are not included in it you need to download the siren/triton mod from the nexus. There are other ones in there as well that don't have everything like the diablo elves you need the 6 in one for that and some of the others ones can be updated as well like the x117 race.

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That is because those files are not included in it you need to download the siren/triton mod from the nexus. There are other ones in there as well that don't have everything like the diablo elves you need the 6 in one for that and some of the others ones can be updated as well like the x117 race.


I just wanted to play the sirens and tritons.


Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

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I have the MPB 1.4a MPB ++0.98 x117 ++078 aio You need the files from the angel/triton mod to make it appear in the creation area otherwise that race will be invisible I'm pretty sure that what MPB doesn't have in it is listed on the page that you download it from




Yeap I was correct it is listed on the download page first post underneath the requirement spoiler tag.




**Required if you use the Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Ashara's Sirens and Tritons.esp and/or rosesimshair.esp:**

Ashara's siren's and tritons : http://tes.nexusmods...le.php?id=19103
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