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IDEA skyrim nudity indicator


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Just and idea. Would be nice that  each peace of Armour would have nudity value. Depending on that value some npc interactions could inicialize or some dialogue.You could enter some places or start some dialogue only having certain nudity value or Armour. Character could become shy if undressed in some situations . Well some  reactions could be initialized based on nudity value. Or lets say wearing too revealing armor - closes.

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its a good idea, but the real problem still at : what types of armor, and if going use vanilla replacers wich one? and still theres the problem if someone edited the meshes (lets say removed the breasts area or pubic region of that), etc. Will works fine if goes like a type just or armor just created in special for that.

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You could compute it at runtime, all meshes have normals, vertices, and faces. You could run an algorithm to determine how much surface area of the body mesh is visible by calculating the surface area of the body, and the surface area of the armor then subtracting. This would be a pretty generic how much skin is shown though, to compute something like actual nudity you could take the area from certain weights with faces on genitals. To improve accuracy you would also need to determine a meshes transparency level since occasionally people just make a texture transparent when they want to make it more revealing, instead of actually altering the mesh itself.

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You could compute it at runtime, all meshes have normals, vertices, and faces. You could run an algorithm to determine how much surface area of the body mesh is visible by calculating the surface area of the body, and the surface area of the armor then subtracting. This would be a pretty generic how much skin is shown though, to compute something like actual nudity you could take the area from certain weights with faces on genitals. To improve accuracy you would also need to determine a meshes transparency level since occasionally people just make a texture transparent when they want to make it more revealing, instead of actually altering the mesh itself.

Oooh? I think I saw a NIF related function library in my script folder from somewhere but I didn't look inside. Are things like that possible now? Someone once asked me if I could make sun damage in Vampiric Thirst dependent on the amount of exposed skin but I never thought it would be possible. Buuuuuuut even if there is a way to do that now I have a feeling running regular checks like that would probably choke Papyrus to death ^^
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I'm working mostly off memory here, because I noticed this as I was on my way to bed (at 5:30am >.<). 

Over on Fallout: New Vegas there was/is the Clothing Evaluator. 

If memory serves, it allow you (and/or I believe the creators of a clothing mod) to assign something like tags to different items of clothing. 

There were things like whether your crotch was exposed (which was a requisite in at least one mod for non-consensual bestiality), and different aesthetics like "slutty" and "skimpy". 

Plus it allowed for more case-by-case removal rules when if came to sex, plus I think it distinguished between the different sex types (so you could leave a mask on for vaginal/anal, and leave armour on for oral).

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Oooh? I think I saw a NIF related function library in my script folder from somewhere but I didn't look inside. Are things like that possible now? Someone once asked me if I could make sun damage in Vampiric Thirst dependent on the amount of exposed skin but I never thought it would be possible. Buuuuuuut even if there is a way to do that now I have a feeling running regular checks like that would probably choke Papyrus to death ^^

They've always been possible, just nobody decoded much of the internal nif format in previous engines. Calculating exposure to sun would be a little different, you'd probably need to do some crazy stuff with ray casting to determine whether you're in the sun or not (this would probably be very computationally expensive).


Calculating how much skin is shown would be a little easier assuming you have the calculations for it, taking the area of the two and subtracting is a very rough estimate since it assumes the face of the armor would be parallel to the skin, also the skin would probably have a much higher surface area than armor. Exposure is more of a perspective thing, if you used a skirt for example, the surface area calculation would not be biased if you were looking up the skirt or whether you were looking at it from the side. Obviously you would not consider it to be exposed unless you were viewing from that perspective. Calculating the exposure based on perspective would be much more computationally expensive rather than computing it once when the armor's mesh is loaded.


While keywording armors is the simplest solution, it obviously isn't going to be applicable to every armor, and the keyword form would need to be derived from some master plugin unless you re-used a keyword. A better solution would be to place an NiExtraData right onto the mesh itself, then make an SKSE plugin process that ExtraData, that way it can be dependent on the armor piece itself rather than on a keyword Form.


I was planning to add some additional ExtraData processing to NiOverride to eliminate dependencies for the high heels extension (both the SKSE plugin and esm) by instead processing generic ExtraData to raise the skeleton.

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Hihihi yah, I don't think it will happen unless either someone puts those tags on every outfit mesh ever created or Skyrim suddenly grows an engine that doesn't take like ages to go through a simple while loop ^^


The high heels thingy sounds amazing! User probably wouldn't see a difference but it would make modders job way simpler

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