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replacing "deadly dragons" - any ideas?


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Once upon a time...


I really had fun with this mod. A lot. It sprang dragonfights on me like I never thought possible.

More than once I just dropped my jaw in speechless awe or counted pulse in excess of 150 after a particularly vicious encounter.

But it also wrecks the game. Like when a forest dragon makes civilian bystanders werewolves and neglects to remove them from the "innocents" or whatever faction, so you get bounty for defending yourself.  And so on.


So I thought to ask you people: How do you spice up your battles in Skyrim?

I don´t really need dragons, but they kind of recommend themselves with their advantage in moblity and their all-around toughness.

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Looks like a nice one.

Plus Erkeil actually gives a rundown of what is expecting you.

He also mentions compatibility with DD, though his mod touches some of the same areas as DD (dragon encounter timer).


I will be away for a while, but when I am back I will give this a shot.

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Looks like a nice one.

Plus Erkeil actually gives a rundown of what is expecting you.

He also mentions compatibility with DD, though his mod touches some of the same areas as DD (dragon encounter timer).


I will be away for a while, but when I am back I will give this a shot.


Yeah, I suggest you to give a shot to Enhanced Mighty Dragons (personal opinion :P ).

EMD may be used in combo with Deadly Dragons or/and Dragon Combat Overhaul by Apollodown.

Most of users play with EMD plus DCO indeed (in that case, load EMD before DCO in load order).



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