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Alduin's Bane bug?


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Hi, guys. I've just encountered a bug during Alduin's Bane and I can't figure out how to resolve it.


After reading the Elder Scroll at the Throat Of The World, I get the animation of my PC reading the scroll, a fade to white and then I get the time wound overlay and the red skies but then I'm stuck. The heroes never teach me the Dragonrend shout and I can't continue. I'm basically stuck in place, with the only option to go to the menu and either quit or reload. 


Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

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Are you saying that the sequence for the story animation doesn't play through? I'm not sure I fully understand what the problem is. If the scene isn't showing you the battle against Alduin when you read the scroll then porting you back where Parth fights Alduin and you get to use the shout on him then something is definitely not working properly. Your issue is likely the second one.





  • Alduin may become invincible during the fight.
    • According to the patch notes, this bug was supposed to have been fixed by version of the Skyrim Official Patch. However, there have still been confirmed reports of this bug occurring; specifically, if you exit dialogue with Alduin prematurely after returning from the vision in the Time Wound, or if you die during the fight with Alduin and reload the game.
    • Pc22.pngOpen the console, click on Alduin, then use the command disable followed by enable. This may result in Alduin being able to be damaged normally.
    • Saving immediately before combat starts, then fast-traveling away and returning, may fix this.
  • The cutscene in the Merethic era may not trigger or complete, leaving you stuck there.
    • Doing other quests and then returning may fix this.
    • Pc22.pngAnother possible fix, after getting stuck in the cutscene, is to open the console and type in setstage mq206 32. This should let you regain control of the camera and a dragon should land, enabling the cutscene to continue.
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I don't recall being able to even move during the scene sequence. It sounds to me like his scene is freezing up. Sort of how mine did for the civil war at the round table in High Haroogatooga. I reloaded my save like ten times, got so pissed I started fighting them all because they wouldn't continue with the dialogue. Finally I used the set stage code and all was well. 

The reason it happened was because I took to long to decide to let the mega bitch stay or leave as Ulfric wanted. So it forced me to letting her stay. I thought, "Hey, I'll just reload and do it again." Nope, you are going Imperial said Skyrim... 

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Thanks, guys! I was able to resolve this with some console commands. First, I added the three words of Dragonrend, which I probably didn't need to do.


I used setstage mq206 70 to end the quest and I think that also gave me the shout haha


Then I used setstage mq206 100 which ended the cinematic and then I was able to fight Alduin as normal.


How bizarre, though... I wonder how this got broken.

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Good deal, glad you got it sorted. You may want to click on the "Solved Button" so others may find it useful to use too! 


Who knows, Skyrim is just buggy. I consider myself fortunate thus far. But I have had my share of weird things happening for no apparent reason. As previously mentioned, that was the only time I had to use a console to set a quest stage forward. I don't like missing dialogue and such. Maybe the second time will work properly. 


And you are welcome!

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Buggy? Skyrim? HELL NO!


Ever play Fallout: New Vegas? THAT was fucking buggy. You could just be sneaking up on a den of deathclaws and, for no apparent reason whatsoever, see one of them launch into the stratosphere. Giant scorpions underground attacking you was the norm. :P


Skyrim is the least buggy game of all the TES or FO games. Easily. Not to say it's bug-free (obviously :D), but it's an improvement over older installments.

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