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All those reasons at different times.  If you use Mod Organizer, you can have several virtual games going on at the same time, with different characters, different mod loadouts, etc.   I have:-


1) A "serious" female game that I'm gradually playing through, sticking to TES lore, but with S.T.E.P. extended mod list and some added "realism" mods like Frostfall, RND, etc., and "realistic" UNP females.  It has minimal sex mods (Sexlab and SOS, Lovers Comfort and Defeat), mainly for a medium possibility of romance and a low possibility of rape, so that "just in case" something happens (as it occasionally does) it's realistic, but that's not the focus, the focus is in keeping it straight TES and "serious" high fantasy, but with a touch of Game of Thrones sexual realism.


2) A semi-"serious" male "sex" game based off the first mod loadout, again, progressing through the quests as Bethesda intended, but with more of a sexual tone from a male point of view.  This guy is more of a sexual adventurer actively looking for it, but still sticking within TES lore.


3) A female "sex" game started and re-started from an endgame save, with a pneumatic UNPB beauty crafted to my personal tastes - fully loaded for sexual bear, so to speak.  Revealing armors, prostitution, bondage, weird sexual shenanigans, sexualized Tamriel, the whole nine yards.  And I sometimes incorporate into this mods that work together from:-


4) A bunch of miscellaneous started-from-endgame save game profiles, male and female, testing out various body mods, armors, sex mods, etc., to see if they work and are compatible.


The beauty of Mod Organizer is that I can pick up and put down my "serious" games that I'm actually progressing through the main quest with, at any time, and they stay relatively bug-free and stable, while at the same time, in other profiles, I can set up tableaux and <ahem> mess around, even break the game in various ways, without affecting my "serious" games.


That's pure gold.

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I have two installations of Skyrim

One is for 'serious' gaming, without any sex mods installed. (But with a shit ton of 'clean' mods that enhance immersion and stuff.)


And the other one is basically just for getting off or having fun with new and interesting sexlab mods. In that one, I can't walk down the street for five seconds without being assaulted by men or creatures or both. It's wonderful.

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