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Loverslab mods on NMM?


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Every single mod I've tried here has worked with NMM if you load archive. Also, if you're not aware, you can select to launch it with the SKSe executable in the launch dropdown (I still use the SKSE shortcut so maybe that part doesn't work 100%?). Then again, there's times where manual install is more convenient, even. The main reason I use it is because it is a little easier to recall what files I need to delete if something went wrong, etc, but you can of course use any mod organizer tool for that.


I don't think it's a perfect program but I've never ran into issues through hundreds of mods...

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I use NMM to install all of the LL mods for Skyrim, with no issues at all.  If there is a mod that has issues (or contains optional files and has no scripted installer for the options) you just unzip it, move what needs to be moved, rezip it (always .7z) and install with NMM.  Hell, I use NMM to install all mods for FONV and Oblivion.  Some Oblivion mods need a little more massaging, especially older ones designed only for manual install, but they can be easily adjusted so that they can be installed by NMM (or any other mod organizing tool).  NMM is a nice and basic tool and works well.  Yes it has had some issues (just like ALL other mod tools including the highly revered Mod Organizer), but it works perfectly fine.  Mod Organizer is great if you plan on having multiple character setups that you want to manage, and Wrye Bash has the patching tool.  But if you just have a single character that you play, and you don't need any organization for multiple setups, NMM is perfectly fine to use.

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Well yes, however I never had any issues with Mod Organizer, and although I'm currently using it with one single character, it allows me to do much more stuff than NMM and you can manage all files coming from any mods or several mods with a single view, and the way I can use serveral batchers though Mod Organizer (like ASIS, Reproccer, FNIS, Bodyslide, etc. ) and then handle its files is something you simply can't do with NMM. It is also more clean since it doesn't install anything in your Skyrim directory, it uses a virtual 'Data' folder instead so no matter how much you fuck your game your Skyrim it's gonna be always vanilla. And not to tell how good is its auto extract mods to have loose files instead, and how easy it makes texture optimizations or simple 'modding' a mod. In fact they're some of the features NMM has been promising since always but even if they allow some things like multiple profiles MO is still light years ahead... This and how well integrated other tools like BOSS, Tes5edit and Wyre Bash are. MO even has a tool to visually configure skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini, and even they are associated to profiles so you can have different skyrim.ini aswell to different profiles, let's say one to test stuff without breaking your main savegame profiles... Even different Enbseries (when they come with 'Data' stuff) or create your own mod compilation from the stuff you generate from external programs. Well I could go nonstop listing features and even more I discover each day.


But I won't lie, I used NMM for a year or so till Mod Organizer came up, and it's so fun itself to use that I love it xD

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