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Nice comparison between Sandy/ive bridge and haswell


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Good post and great find.


I'd like to add to this post with comments on gfx cards and needs to upgrade.


An other comment even if you have an older AMD or Intel processor and it is running at a higher clock speed and sports a PCI 2,0 slot unless you are running GTX7## or the Newest AMD processors you most likely don't need to upgrade either unless you are going to anyway.


Comparison of x16 slots across the generations to the current x3 PCI express. Like if you would or could run them at that speed.

A PCI 1.0 is x4

A PCI 2.0 is x8

A PCI 3.0 is x16 speeds compared. Only some of the strongest expensive cards can justify the added expense because only some of those might be approaching the bottleneck zone. For the 3.0 it is likely only approached if you are running a board that can only run x8, x8 with two cards. Single most likely not.


I for example am running 990fx which can run 2 x16 slots. I would be running two cards at full x16 speeds. Translate to the newer 3.0 PCI found in the newer Intel boards it would be x8 , x8 like speeds which would be similar to what I am already running on my current board. (2011 boards not included) However if I was to be running some board that was x8, x8 already it might be time to upgrade. Most single cards even on PCI 2.0 aren't bottlenecked unless you were running a titan or now one of the newer cards like a 780ti or maybe the new ATI 290.


Bottom line if it ain't broke and working fine no need to upgrade unless you have the money and need to brag.

This info is based loosely on my research on the justification for a upgrade. Unfortunately I can justify it now... :( I am a sad alien.. No new tech for me.

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I'll stick with my rig for now(bought ivy in april 2012) soon 290x(bragging now) Wait two years or so for the next really revolutionary hardware and then replace everything.  Around that time, we'll see the launch of Intel Sky Lake, some upcoming AMD stuff that mixes the GPU with the CPU a lot more (I have the impression that they're going to have the CPU use "GPU shaders" for some SSE- and AVX-like instructions), and AMD and Nvidia cards with massive amounts of GPU cache on TSMC's 16 nm FinFET process.


Most games i can run easly.

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Brag away. :D


I am using a gtx670 and that is massive in power above any that I have had before. Runs smoothly regardless of my misconfigured settings or whatever I want to throw at it. A gamer dude that I know in RL listened to my desires and where I went wrong and gave me a pretty much dead on answer to all my desires. I have been trying to justify the purchase of another one but the micro-stuttering is a turn off. That is what I have to avoid as much as possible. I can do with the 40 or even 30 frames but micro stuttering gets me sick. Literally. I was thinking of a gtx660 or a gtx660ti for a physix card to offset the physics but that is pretty much overkill. I likely will wait like you for the next generation or a major change for a new upgrade unless when I decide to try the ENB mods (think those are what they are called for post processing beauty) and start to run into problems I might upgrade earlier but doubt it.


I am seriously jonesing for the GPU monitor setup that is coming out soon from nVidia. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/10/18/nvidia-g-sync-synchronizes-monitor-refresh-rates-to-the-gpu/


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How many will buy new monitor for that ;)


Soon gamers bleed one camp have g-sync other have mantle.


Some tech should be avaible for both camps.


Im excited for a xfire setup(which is now improved alot  scaling perfectly and mantle it will prolly go off the scale in performance) for less price then titan but alot faster.


And AMD realy on top of things the new drivers spew out alsmost every few days and improved alot on performance (see 290)



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How many will buy new monitor for that ;)

When it is time for a upgrade. Every 5 to 7 years or so. The tech is out there once it becomes main stream it will be cheaper and standard.


Some tech should be avaible for both camps.

It is a shame that the two companies can't get together and create standards that both can use and take advantage of.

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