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Mods to improve Skyrim performance/loading/FPS?


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Any mods that help improve performance/loading/FPS on Skyrim, preferably without dramatically reducing details(Oldblivion, DOSkyrim). One great mod that helped me get a high FPS with QTP, AAOVTR, my character using ported AMB 4096 texture skyrim armor was Fake Fullscreen Mode(10 FPS higher). Generally no issues with this set up, even in battle with quite a few NPCs I get about 25-30 with no stuttering. I'd like Skyrim to look as good as modded Oblivion(with no ENB). I haven't followed Skyrim modding much lately other then downloading armor to convert to Oblivion.


Anything out for Skyrim that similarly helps? Or is my system too underpowered for this game?

About upgrading:

Currently using a laptop
i5 m480 2.67 Ghz
GT 330m 1GB

I've been able to get 30 FPS only by making Skyrim look a lot worse then my Oblivion install.

I'd like to wait before upgrading as I don't think the current cards will hold up very well with 2014 PC games, based on Battlefield 4 benchmarks. It just makes me doubt how well current graphics cards will do on Witcher 3, Fallout 4, etc, even without any mods. If I buy a custom $2000(going with a desktop either with a 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 Asus gaming monitor) system with all high end parts I ideally don't want to be needing any major upgrades for at least 2 years. I'd like to follow a plan where I build a system with a good graphics card that's capable of going SLI in 2 years and replace the SLI setup after another 2/3 years. Would a 780 Ti have decent longevity?

Based on what I've seen I think I should probably wait until boxing week sales in 2014 and get a Nvidia GTX 800 series card like an 870 or 880. Unless prices go surprisingly low during this year's boxing week. I might end up buying a pc this year but probably not, perhaps if I can get a 780 Ti or R9 290x for something crazy like half price.

Side note, could Heaven 4.0(crazy benchmarking test) be considered comparable in detail to what Fallout and Elder Scrolls: VI will likely have.


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Get "Colorful Lights No Shadows". If you have the DLC, you'll want to fire up the CK and change a couple of the DLC1 and DLC2 lights to "Omnidirectional" if they are "xxxx Shadow" lights.


This makes interior lights render static shadows rather than dynamic shadows; the horrendous blockiness is removed and lights have quite a bit more colour in them.


If you want, I could also pass my ini files over so you can play without shadows at all; I find that the removal of the pixel-shadows is quite a bit easier on the eyes. Used in conjunction with the above mod, you get more performance and everything looks a sight better.

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Ok I use low res leaves/snow/rain textures Skyrim Performance Plus (helps a ton with fps loss due to bad weather, zero noticable visual difference), showracemenu no-precache mod, ENB (enb will improve performance if you run it with proper enblocal settings but disable effects with shift+f12 or use an enboost config), Skyrim Project Optimization (makes some non-visual changes to the game in the background like render angles and such), and vanilla reduced textures (scales all textures down to optimized 512, but since its esp and loaded at the beginning, any mod textures will overwrite, so you can have great looking armor textures from mods and amidionborn, but the general riffraff that fills your vram is not killing you. I noticed no quality loss from standard but saved 100mb vram). I run shadows at 512 as well since after enb blurs and fixes them up you cant notice the difference anyway.


I also generally do not use high res textures for anything, only 512mb vram. Most mods have 512 or 1024 texture options.


I manage 720p with unbleak enb and stay at 40-60fps most of the time with the above changes on a ~4 year old system. 4770 is a very aged vid card, and it was budget when it was new, still runs fine. 


Dirty mods causing ctd's are a huge problem tho, lots of great mods I cannot use (most mods boss says use dirty edits will cause crashes when combined eventually, only dirty mod I use is dance of death and my ctd's are finally gone).



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Ok I use low res leaves/snow/rain textures Skyrim Performance Plus (helps a ton with fps loss due to bad weather, zero noticable visual difference), showracemenu no-precache mod, ENB (enb will improve performance if you run it with proper enblocal settings but disable effects with shift+f12 or use an enboost config), Skyrim Project Optimization (makes some non-visual changes to the game in the background like render angles and such), and vanilla reduced textures (scales all textures down to optimized 512, but since its esp and loaded at the beginning, any mod textures will overwrite, so you can have great looking armor textures from mods and amidionborn, but the general riffraff that fills your vram is not killing you. I noticed no quality loss from standard but saved 100mb vram). I run shadows at 512 as well since after enb blurs and fixes them up you cant notice the difference anyway.


I also generally do not use high res textures for anything, only 512mb vram. Most mods have 512 or 1024 texture options.


I manage 720p with unbleak enb and stay at 40-60fps most of the time with the above changes on a ~4 year old system. 4770 is a very aged vid card, and it was budget when it was new, still runs fine. 


Dirty mods causing ctd's are a huge problem tho, lots of great mods I cannot use (most mods boss says use dirty edits will cause crashes when combined eventually, only dirty mod I use is dance of death and my ctd's are finally gone).


If you have dirty edits, you need to clean them. Use Tes5Edit to clean those dirty edits and they won't be a problem anymore. If you're using BOSS, it has a link right there on how to clean those mods.

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Ok I use low res leaves/snow/rain textures Skyrim Performance Plus (helps a ton with fps loss due to bad weather, zero noticable visual difference), showracemenu no-precache mod, ENB (enb will improve performance if you run it with proper enblocal settings but disable effects with shift+f12 or use an enboost config), Skyrim Project Optimization (makes some non-visual changes to the game in the background like render angles and such), and vanilla reduced textures (scales all textures down to optimized 512, but since its esp and loaded at the beginning, any mod textures will overwrite, so you can have great looking armor textures from mods and amidionborn, but the general riffraff that fills your vram is not killing you. I noticed no quality loss from standard but saved 100mb vram). I run shadows at 512 as well since after enb blurs and fixes them up you cant notice the difference anyway.


I also generally do not use high res textures for anything, only 512mb vram. Most mods have 512 or 1024 texture options.


I manage 720p with unbleak enb and stay at 40-60fps most of the time with the above changes on a ~4 year old system. 4770 is a very aged vid card, and it was budget when it was new, still runs fine. 


Dirty mods causing ctd's are a huge problem tho, lots of great mods I cannot use (most mods boss says use dirty edits will cause crashes when combined eventually, only dirty mod I use is dance of death and my ctd's are finally gone).


If you have dirty edits, you need to clean them. Use Tes5Edit to clean those dirty edits and they won't be a problem anymore. If you're using BOSS, it has a link right there on how to clean those mods.



Thanks, I noticed that, but more work than Im willing to put in right now for mods I didnt really need :)

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I can't promise it'll help anyone else, but I actually got quite a bit of performance boost from removing all ini-tweaks I had done over past two years. It's weird but sort of makes sense since a lot of the tweaks floating around the internet were posted without people having any clue what they actually did. :s

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  • 7 months later...

Ok I use low res leaves/snow/rain textures Skyrim Performance Plus (helps a ton with fps loss due to bad weather, zero noticable visual difference), showracemenu no-precache mod, ENB (enb will improve performance if you run it with proper enblocal settings but disable effects with shift+f12 or use an enboost config), Skyrim Project Optimization (makes some non-visual changes to the game in the background like render angles and such), and vanilla reduced textures (scales all textures down to optimized 512, but since its esp and loaded at the beginning, any mod textures will overwrite, so you can have great looking armor textures from mods and amidionborn, but the general riffraff that fills your vram is not killing you. I noticed no quality loss from standard but saved 100mb vram). I run shadows at 512 as well since after enb blurs and fixes them up you cant notice the difference anyway.


I also generally do not use high res textures for anything, only 512mb vram. Most mods have 512 or 1024 texture options.


I manage 720p with unbleak enb and stay at 40-60fps most of the time with the above changes on a ~4 year old system. 4770 is a very aged vid card, and it was budget when it was new, still runs fine. 


Dirty mods causing ctd's are a huge problem tho, lots of great mods I cannot use (most mods boss says use dirty edits will cause crashes when combined eventually, only dirty mod I use is dance of death and my ctd's are finally gone).


Vanilla Reduced Textures just got updated, if you cant get it off Nexus, the author has put it up on the same site as the unofficial patches :


Nexus - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14504/?

AFK Mods - http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/files/file/1301-vanilla-reduced-textures/


I use the 512 version, I dont need to use the 256 options. I might try it out though just to feel the difference in game responsiveness, according to the screenshots the 256 options dont look bad considering the amount of reduction done to some of those textures. New images on page 6 of the nexus images tab.

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