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Psy Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy


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Another review of an old game by me...


This is probably one of THE most underrated games in the whole history of gaming


Every comment I've read confirms my opinion in a lot of things:

-A great and entertaining game that got very underrated

-An awesome combat system like nothing you've ever seen before

-The possibility of feeling awesome when you throw enemies through the air like nothing and bash them against the walls (you never get tired of that...)

-An intriguing story with mysteries to be solved

-Huge replay value with new skins, different abilities and different play styles

-WAY ahead of its time


I dunno... probably a marketing thing that it didn't do so good on sales

I mention because at the end of the game a big flashy neon sign appears: "TO BE CONTINUED"

And it never was...


In short explanation, you get to play a soldier with psyonic abilities including telekinesis, pirokinesis, mind control, and out of body exploration... besides the shooting...

Tossing enemies into dangers or painting the walls with them, tossing rocks and explosive barrels at them like overpowered grenades, setting them on fire, using them to infiltrate their own ranks and spread mayhem among their troops, telekinetic battles of trowing stuff at psi-bosses, the ability to use objects to defend yourself, attack others or even ride them a surf boards... definitely one of the most awesome combat systems I've seen. You could also choose the kickass combat approach of going in through the big door tossing things at people, tossing people around and setting everything on fire just to feel good about your awesomeness later... or you could do the stealthy approach of infiltrating, leave one hell of a mess and they never even knew you were there


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed came close to it in terms of telekinetic powers, but still not as good and you still didn't have the satisfaction of painting the walls with your enemies...


By the end I wanted to know what came next in the story... I'll never get to know as the secrets are locked inside the heads of the developers who forever hold the key as the sequel was cancelled...


Gosh I wish someone made another game like this one...

Really underrated

Totally recommendable

Don't believe me?

Go play it

You wont regret it  :)


Another of my "wanted to share the experience" moments...

Thanks for reading


Here goes a music video with shots of the game anyway...


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