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Deer schlongs not showing , any help please?

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I tried to find the proper Creature Framework SE pages to add a comment for help but i cant find it :(


So i want to ask for help here please. I use all the suggested mods for adding schlongs to creatures such as MNC and Creature framework SE and i use all the suggested animations packs. I get schlongs showing on almost every creature except Deer and werewolves. With Deer i do get a schlong showing on the big large antlered Elk bot any other sized elk and all deer all i get is the sex animation but no schlong showing. Is the game thinking everything except the HUGE antler elk is female?? there fore no schlong? and if so how do i fix it so every single elk and deer no matter the size get a visible schlong? MNC says they all are but in-game in animations nothing shows, not even a non erect version on them.


Also i cant get werewolves to show theirs either. I have Baddogs hoodies which has a male and female anthro schlong for them. plus in MNC is says they have one. On the mesh of the werewolves they have a non erect cock and balls but during sex even when their arousal is 100% nothing emerges. :(


I really hope someone can help with these issues please. ♥

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there are female deer in the game, but there are also a few mods out there that add there own deer to the game, so you may have a bit of both going on there.


werewolves have a in game mod conflict going on, CF & SOS are both trying to add meshes onto the werewolf in the same slot, so you need to turn off werewolves in CF or SOS.

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