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So I have a whole bunch of mods and as far as I can tell everything but Rebuild AIO is working as intended.


I've tried reinstalling this mod but all it did was increase the PRP texture glitches rate (it's still rare, but it was working better before reinstall of Rebuild AIO)


Also before reinstall of Rebuild AIO the Another Sanctuary Bridge was working. At the moment, the wooden bridge is still there and I always thought it looked out of place, hence wanting to replace it.


My list of mods really long but could be longer. There are some mods that I would like to add but haven't because they're either kinda redundant or seem too buggy.


This is my plugins.txt



# Automatically generated by Vortex
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Snap'n Build.esm
*CWSS Redux.esp
*34 Spike bracelets.esl
*Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esl
*Devious Devices.esm
*FOLIP - After Generation.esp
*Hunkered Down - No AtomCatsGarage.esp
*Region Names on Save Files.esp
*The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
*Gunsmith Overhaul.esp
*OWCaD SMM.esp
*Kamuro Neon.esp
*AA Subways of the Commonwealth.esp
Devious Devices Addon - High Heels Sound.esp
*Sanctuary Tree.esp
*Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp
*TrueStormsFO4 - Region Names Patch.esp
*Beyond - SotC.esp
*Old World Plaids.esp
*Thematic and Practical.esp
*StandaloneWorkbenches SMM.esp
*ScrappySigns SMM.esp
*ScavversSettlementKit SMM.esp
*AES_Renovated Furniture.esp
*AES_Renovated Furniture SMM.esp
*OWR_CraftableDecor SMM.esp
*JustDebris Revised SMM v2.esp
*Hamed Bridge.esp
*HexHomes SMM.esp
*Femsheppings Minimalist Homewares.esp
*Femsheppings Minimalist Homewares SMM.esp
*Colored Workshop Lights.esp
*Colored Workshop Lights SMM.esp
*More_Vehicles01 SMM.esp
*BLD_Barricades SMM.esp
*AlternateSettlements SMM.esp
*Enhanced Vanilla Plants.esp
*Enhanced Vanilla Rocks.esp
*Colorful Disco Ball.esp
*Scientifically Plantable Trees.esp
*Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
*Computer Console illuminated.esp
*AidanWatts3dAssets SMM.esp
*Beach Workshop SMM.esp
*BobbleheadStatues SMM.esp
*Cozy Beds.esp
*CozyBeds SMM.esp
*Cozy Beds - My Bed.esp
*CozyBedsMyBed SMM.esp
*CozyCouch SMM.esp
*CrashOnTheCouch SMM.esp
*Eli_Display Shelves.esp
*EliDisplayShelves SMM.esp
*Eli_Halloween Speshul.esp
*EliHalloweenMod SMM.esp
*ExoticLights SMM.esp
*Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp
*Friffy_Fixed Rugs_WithTableCloths SMM.esp
*HamedBridge SMM.esp
*More Fortifications.esp
*More Fortifications SMM.esp
*OK Guard Posts.esp
*MoreGuardBarricades SMM.esp
*Aidan's More Placeable Workshop Furniture.esp
*MorePlaceableFurniture SMM.esp
*NukaColaDisplayCase SMM.esp
*Prisoner Shackles.esp
*PrisonerShackles SMM.esp
*PsBoss Beds.esp
*PsBossBeds SMM.esp
*VendorVariety SMM.esp
*WWE SMM.esp
*WorkingTableLamps SMM.esp
*WorkingVendingMachines SMM.esp
*WWP - PC.esp
*WorkshopJunkWallPack SMM.esp
*OCDecorator - No Experience.esp
*DeuxMille's Pool Parts.esp
*Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp
*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
*Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
*Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
*Better Manufacturing.esp
*Legendary Mutation Messages Fix.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Menu Organization.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Additions.esp
*DLC items to manufacturing.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Expanded Patch MO.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Soylent Green Patch MO.esp
*BBVid Holotapes.esp
*Nuka-World No Forced Preston Hatred.esp
*Heather Vulpine.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Wintermute - Aigis.esp
*Wintermute - Elektra.esp
*Wintermute - Female.esp
*Wintermute - Hertz.esp
*Wintermute - Lady Tron.esp
*Wintermute - Male.esp
*Wintermute - Marcella.esp
*Wintermute_Mr Gallows.esp
*Wintermute_Mr Grieves.esp
IKAROS-Androids Voice Modulator.esp
*Shiny Umbreon over Dogmeat.esp
*Craftable Dance Rugs.esp
*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000 SMM.esp
*Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture SMM.esp
*MIA SMM.esp
*ArmoryRifleAndHandgunRacks SMM.esp
*EthreonMasterPlan SMM.esp
*VFR SMM.esp
*Adobe House Kit.esp
*Beyond - Claustrophobia.esp
*Dinomore SMM.esp
*AA SotC Previsbines Patch.esp
*Hunkered Down - ELFX.esp
*Another Sanctuary Bridge V2.0_ICC.esp
*M8r Complex Sorter.esp
*Bashed Patch, 0.esp


Creating a Wrye Bash patch has helped some with the PRP issues before reinstall of Rebuild AIO. Regenerating the patch hasn't changed the PRP issues.


I'm intentionally overwriting Adorkable Danse and Nikki Valentine because I want those female voices but not those humanoid bodies.



Any help improving this load order mess would be greatly appreciated.



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On 10/28/2023 at 8:57 AM, RegaFox said:

I've tried reinstalling this mod but all it did was increase the PRP texture glitches rate

Anything that edits the same cells as a mod that has new precombines\vis will break that mod's precombines\vis.  Think about who you want to be the last man standing, aka last in load order.


Settlements should never have the precombines\vis rebuilt as far to many mods edit the same cells.


You can also edit the mods to remove conflicting edits. A PIA, and totally not worth it... in my opinion.

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I always thought the settlements would be their own cell and things like the Sanctuary bridge was in a different one, hence thinking the bridge wouldn't be an issue.

But it seems Sanctuary is actually 2 cells so the bridge is probably part of one of them. 


I've replaced the bridge with another (Rickety bridge) that does have a patch for Rebuild AIO and while it still looks out-of-place it does make some sense lore-wise, being a patchwork job.


But I'm not sure what is currently breaking Concord as that's the only area which only seems to get worse each time I change the load order.

Years ago i had a longer list of mods, but it was a vastly different list and I do not remember PRP being an issue at the time.


Updated load order:



# Automatically generated by Vortex
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Snap'n Build.esm
*CWSS Redux.esp
*34 Spike bracelets.esl
*Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esl
*Devious Devices.esm
*FOLIP - After Generation.esp
*Hunkered Down - No AtomCatsGarage.esp
*Region Names on Save Files.esp
*The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
*Gunsmith Overhaul.esp
*OWCaD SMM.esp
*Kamuro Neon.esp
*AA Subways of the Commonwealth.esp
Devious Devices Addon - High Heels Sound.esp
*Sanctuary Tree.esp
*Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp
*TrueStormsFO4 - Region Names Patch.esp
*Beyond - SotC.esp
*Old World Plaids.esp
*Thematic and Practical.esp
*StandaloneWorkbenches SMM.esp
*ScrappySigns SMM.esp
*ScavversSettlementKit SMM.esp
*AES_Renovated Furniture.esp
*AES_Renovated Furniture SMM.esp
*OWR_CraftableDecor SMM.esp
*JustDebris Revised SMM v2.esp
*Hamed Bridge.esp
*HexHomes SMM.esp
*Femsheppings Minimalist Homewares.esp
*Femsheppings Minimalist Homewares SMM.esp
*Colored Workshop Lights.esp
*Colored Workshop Lights SMM.esp
*More_Vehicles01 SMM.esp
*BLD_Barricades SMM.esp
*AlternateSettlements SMM.esp
*Enhanced Vanilla Plants.esp
*Enhanced Vanilla Rocks.esp
*Colorful Disco Ball.esp
*Scientifically Plantable Trees.esp
*Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
*Computer Console illuminated.esp
*AidanWatts3dAssets SMM.esp
*Beach Workshop SMM.esp
*BobbleheadStatues SMM.esp
*Cozy Beds.esp
*CozyBeds SMM.esp
*Cozy Beds - My Bed.esp
*CozyBedsMyBed SMM.esp
*CozyCouch SMM.esp
*CrashOnTheCouch SMM.esp
*Eli_Display Shelves.esp
*EliDisplayShelves SMM.esp
*Eli_Halloween Speshul.esp
*EliHalloweenMod SMM.esp
*ExoticLights SMM.esp
*Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp
*Friffy_Fixed Rugs_WithTableCloths SMM.esp
*HamedBridge SMM.esp
*More Fortifications.esp
*More Fortifications SMM.esp
*OK Guard Posts.esp
*MoreGuardBarricades SMM.esp
*Aidan's More Placeable Workshop Furniture.esp
*MorePlaceableFurniture SMM.esp
*NukaColaDisplayCase SMM.esp
*Prisoner Shackles.esp
*PrisonerShackles SMM.esp
*PsBoss Beds.esp
*PsBossBeds SMM.esp
*VendorVariety SMM.esp
*WWE SMM.esp
*WorkingTableLamps SMM.esp
*WorkingVendingMachines SMM.esp
*WWP - PC.esp
*WorkshopJunkWallPack SMM.esp
*OCDecorator - No Experience.esp
*DeuxMille's Pool Parts.esp
*Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp
*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
*Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
*Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
*Better Manufacturing.esp
*Legendary Mutation Messages Fix.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Menu Organization.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Additions.esp
*DLC items to manufacturing.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Expanded Patch MO.esp
*Better Manufacturing - Soylent Green Patch MO.esp
*BBVid Holotapes.esp
*Nuka-World No Forced Preston Hatred.esp
*Heather Vulpine.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Wintermute - Aigis.esp
*Wintermute - Elektra.esp
*Wintermute - Female.esp
*Wintermute - Hertz.esp
*Wintermute - Lady Tron.esp
*Wintermute - Male.esp
*Wintermute - Marcella.esp
*Wintermute_Mr Gallows.esp
*Wintermute_Mr Grieves.esp
IKAROS-Androids Voice Modulator.esp
*Shiny Umbreon over Dogmeat.esp
*Craftable Dance Rugs.esp
*Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000 SMM.esp
*Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture SMM.esp
*MIA SMM.esp
*ArmoryRifleAndHandgunRacks SMM.esp
*EthreonMasterPlan SMM.esp
*VFR SMM.esp
*Adobe House Kit.esp
*Beyond - Claustrophobia.esp
*Dinomore SMM.esp
*AA SotC Previsbines Patch.esp
*Hunkered Down - ELFX.esp
*M8r Complex Sorter.esp
*Bashed Patch, 0.esp



As a last resort, i guess there is the "tpc" option for areas that keep being a problem, but that's a hack, not a fix. (supposedly it hurt performance but i'm not sure to what degree)

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7 hours ago, RegaFox said:

But it seems Sanctuary is actually 2 cells

It actually 13 cells, Red Rocket is 5.
Concord is effected by Red Rocket.
You could start deleting the records in Rebuild AIO for the effected areas. It's a niffty idea, but any mod that slightly touches a cell it edits will break it.

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