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ValidateActor - FALSE - They are not supported/invalid target [For everyone?!]

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So I'm back in the saddle of Skyrim Modding and i've come across this issue for the first time. I like to pride myself on my problem solving skills, but trying to find a similar issue gave me either irrelevant solutions or a dead end/old thread. Please keep in mind, i'm not exactly code savvy and i'm prone to overlooking things, but this has been about a week's worth of ramming my head into the same wall.

The Problem: Sexlab Animations don't work at all. It seems to run through the functions of setting up, but stops when it comes to adding an actor, I HAVE tried initiating different types of scenes with different tags, animations load fine, in fact animations from other mods seem to work just swell! Sexlab is the only thing throwing a fit.

Steps Taken: 
- I've run, rerun, reinstalled and did everything I could think of with FNIS from running certain patches, to no patches, to my normal loadout. I only have one warning after loading and it's out of my hands to fix iirc
? [Not sure if it's relevant but it might be important, I've recently made the jump from DAR to OAR with the understanding that it's backwards compatible, I'm concerned that it might conflict with FNIS somehow?]
-I only have one custom race mod, Driinkiin, which I thought originally was the problem, so I tested it with solo anims, nothing. Normal NPCs, nothing. and as my screenshot shows, with a standard unaltered char and the same result.
-XP3MS is also up to date!

-I did attempt to recreate the issue with papyrus logs active but it didn't give me anything and It's quite late here. I'll give it another shot tomorrow and see if it was just an error on my own, but if anyone has any solutions, please let me know!



Edited by PenitentFleece
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Is your player character of a custom race? Or has a small height?


You are failing in sslThreadModel.AddActor:

        elseIf ActorLib.ValidateActor(ActorRef) < 0
            Fatal("AddActor("+ActorRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName()+") -- Failed to add actor -- They are not a valid target for animation", "AddActor("+ActorRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName()+")")
            return -1


Because of sslActorLibrary.ValidateActor:

    elseIf !CanAnimate(ActorRef)
        Log("ValidateActor("+BaseRef.GetName()+") -- FALSE -- They are not supported for animation.")
        return -11


CanAnimate is implemented in the same file as:

bool function CanAnimate(Actor ActorRef)
    Race ActorRace  = ActorRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace()
    string RaceName = ActorRace.GetName()+MiscUtil.GetRaceEditorID(ActorRace)
    return !(ActorRace.IsRaceFlagSet(0x00000004) || StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "Child") != -1  || StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "Little") != -1 || StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "117") != -1 || StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "Enfant") != -1 || (StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "Elin") != -1 && ActorRef.GetScale() < 0.92) ||  (StringUtil.Find(RaceName, "Monli") != -1 && ActorRef.GetScale() < 0.92))


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Interesting. Yea my player originally was a custom race with  .94 height but it didn't want to start anims even with the default nord prisoner. With him I couldn't get a solo anim to start with nothing else on but sexlab. 


Not to mention, I've had sexlab functioning under similar conditions before so I'm not sure why it's suddenly throwing a fit now. ;;

Edited by PenitentFleece
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Somehow, the race you are using for "player" is recognized as a child by sexlab.


I could quip the code on the basis that it will flag as "child" things that aren't, but it's pointless since it won't get fixed.


Somehow, you must have something in your load order that changes the NordRace record.  I would use xEdit to find it... If you are not familiar with xEdit, I don't know how to help...


You should at least confirm which race you are using in game:

- go into console mode (with the ~ key)

- type "prid player"

- find the race in the information displayed

- note the hexadecimal ID for the race

- exit console mode (with the ~ key)

- report your findings!


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So checking in my console everything seems fine, neither race is recognized as a child. I did look into xedit for what's altering some files but unfortunately It's not showing any obvious conflicts [Skyrim Romance/Halberds/Divine Elegance/Racial Body Morphs] All of which I've tested both in and out.

I am thinking there's /some/ animation conflict somewhere or something, because running skyrim with /only/ sexlab mods went smoothly and I was able to start an animation with the player no problem. I'm just not looking forward to this blind search for a conflict through 800+ mods x.x

Edit: Currently i'm fighting my game in order to get ANY papyrus logs atp. I've got papyrus logging enabled in skyrimprefs AND skyrimdefault and it's not updating a damn thing when I run my game 

Edited by PenitentFleece
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You should find the hex id of your in-game race, then in xEdit see what mods are altering that race record.  When you select a base record in the left-hand pane, it will show all the mods that change that record in the right-hand pane.


For some bizarre reason, sexlab will recognize you as a child if you character or race CK id, or your race's hex id, contains any of the strings "117", "monli", "child", "enfant", "elin" or "little".


I don't understand why this check is so bizarre.  It can only lead to difficult to diagnose problems.  A small npc called "Elina" or a player called "user117" will be seen as a child no matter what its race record says, as will a smattering of custom races that accidentally have 117 in their hex id.


It's not impossible that some mod has altered the sslActorLibrary script and that your CanAnimate function differs from mine, though it seems unlikely.  You can check in MO2 where your sslActorLibrary comes from, just in case.  Otherwise, your trace really does indicate this is the failing condition, not some random animation conflict.


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Unfortunately I am using NMM/Vortex so I'm struggling to find the source of the sslActorLibrary I'm working with.
I have checked the IDs of both my race and the default nord and aside from what I previously mentioned I'm not seeing anything of note.

Running a game with only my sexlab mods does not produce the same issue with any race, which is why i'm so confused by it.



Edited by PenitentFleece
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[10/07/2023 - 12:51:39PM] error: Unbound native function "CanAnimateActor" called
[10/07/2023 - 12:51:39PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"
	[SexLabQuestFramework (08000D62)].sslactorlibrary.GetIsActorValid() - "sslActorLibrary.psc" Line 285
	[SexLabQuestFramework (08000D62)].sslactorlibrary.IsValidActor() - "sslActorLibrary.psc" Line 518
	[SexLabQuestFramework (08000D62)].sexlabframework.IsValidActor() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 332
	[SLAdventures_SexlabIntegration (3B00A4B5)].sladventures_gangrapecontroller.IsPossible() - "SLAdventures_GangRapeController.psc" Line 735
	[SLAdventures_ProximityRapeQuest (3B0238E6)].sladventures_proximityrapescript.IsPossible() - "SLAdventures_ProximityRapeScript.psc" Line 88
	[SLAdventures_ProximityRapeQuest (3B0238E6)].sladventures_proximityrapescript.TryRape() - "SLAdventures_ProximityRapeScript.psc" Line 44
	[SLAdventures_ProximityRapeQuest (3B0238E6)].sladventures_proximityrapescript.OnUpdate() - "SLAdventures_ProximityRapeScript.psc" Line 4
[10/07/2023 - 12:51:39PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Prisoner) -- FALSE -- They cannot be animated


The string "CanAnimateActor" does not appear in my logs, nor in any of my installed scripts.


In any case, your sslActorLibrary is not the same as mine.  And your version has an unfulfilled dependency; it is expecting something to provide the CanAnimateActor function but it is not present.


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Okay, that's good! But now I'm at a loss. Unless i can figure out what the dependency is or what's calling for it I'm not sure how to fix this. 


I haven't seen any errors in vortex or any popups of note :c


Edited by PenitentFleece
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  • 3 months later...
On 1/15/2024 at 7:21 AM, Not a prisoner said:

Thank goodness for this thread. I had the same issue and no idea where to look.  Turned out that after some load order changes I just needed to re-run SCOE's fomod. Thanks all.

Now I just need to work out why I can't adjust animation positions with hotkeys ...

I can't believe this is how i found out you can adjust animation positions with hotkeys... my dumb ass has been opening the menu every time..


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