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body development thread

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No that's exporting the .nif into Blender, which I've already done. Currently there is no way to import the modified .gltf file back into a .nif file that can be read by Nifskope.


Hexabit said that would be in a future Nifskope update, so that's what I'm waiting on right now.

Edited by gooboo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried using the .mesh import/export plugin from Nexus. Apparently .nif files don't actually contain the meshes themselves anymore, they only point to the corresponding .mesh file.


Decided to try and test out the plugin. It's still in development, but it looks promising. I made a edit to the hip of the body mesh, which showed up in game. Unfortunately there still seems to be issues with properly importing or exporting vertex weights because there is some mesh deformation/explosion on the model in game, as well as noticeable seams in the body. 






So it looks like we're all fairly close to getting the tools we want, but there's still some kinks to be worked out. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@gooboo - If I'm not mistaken aren't you the OG author of the Hyborian body in Conan Exiles?  If so, I really look forward to any work you do on SF :D


Only issue I'm seeing with the above is there's a neck seam, otherwise the shape is pretty good.  But again everyone has their prefs, which is why bodyslide is kind of a must to please most people.

Examples of what I'm referring to:










Edited by Silvist
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Yes, I made the Hyborian Body for Conan Exiles. I plan on making stuff for Starfield as well, I'm just caught up in real life work for most of this month. I'm hoping someone can finish making some import/export tools so I can get to work. 

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So, body is in game now and is in quite playable state (solving 4vg limit is true blessing).


Now I'm stuck with textures normal map seams - something really shady going on here, as vanilla body normal maps also have horrendous seams. I do not understand yet what's happening, but I suspect that it's because existing tools just cannot properly open normal map image data (seems that it's some king of wrong channels distribution/confusion), so until we get cimplete tools to properly open game normal maps, it's unlikely to be fixed.






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On 11/17/2023 at 5:31 PM, Allnarta said:

With blender bridge addon.

Okay, finally have some time to work on this. What settings did you use for the bridge addon? When I tried using it I got the messed up vertex weights I depicted earlier. Your body is all smooth with no errors.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Arright, I figured out what was causing my problems with exploding meshes. Just a real quick test job here making her butt bigger. 




Now time to start working on the final body. Maybe I'll have it done by Christmas? Nice little gift for everyone...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe someone is interested.


Robert S SF updated to V 1.00:


-Erected mesh version temporarily removed - it is because erection is now custom morph and will be implemented to a game after Chargen Menu update.
-Body is weighted to all the bones it originally intended to be: pecs, belly and private parts (balls, penis etc.).
-Slight improvement for weighting in armpits area.
-Bouncing physics based on native game Havok engine.
-Seams are eliminated on mesh level completely.

Get it:



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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In case someone's interested :)

Robert S SF updated to V. 1.99:


-Improved shoulders, back and arms shape to look less wacky.

-Improved strong shape.

-Different approach for mending morph seams: normals are now altered on head and hands instead of body, which saves a whole lifetime for refitting armors.

-Added a lot of new morphs - now body is truly widely customazable as it intended to be.

-Adjusted weighting for penis.

-Fixed UV in penis area.

-Many other minor fixes that I forgot to mantion.

Get it: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6975

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  • 2 weeks later...

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