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Mods don't load using MO2 with GOG Version (resolved)

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Bought FO4 last week and I tried to add mods (I started slow and just added body types for f/m + skeleton and skins) via MO2 and started the game using the F4SE option in MO2.

Thing is:


1. MO2 says produces a popup telling something about STEAM and gives me the options to start STEAM, start without STEAM or abort start.

2. I chose without STEAM, the game starts in windowed mode and a very small resolution (seems like it either doesn't read the .ini or simply ignores it). No problem starting vanilla of if F4SE_loader.exe.

3. No nudies when I drop the vaultsuit (Bethesda and body models - ugh). Haven't tried any other mods as I didn't see any sense in trying.


Looking a GOG for a workaround someone said adding -forcesteamloader to the arguments for F4SE worked for him. Well, good for him, but I tried and still no joy.

Does anyone here maybe know another trick I haven't heard about and could try? Else I'd have to wait until this issue is resolved in future updates for MO2. Playing vanilla (had at least to have a look at the game and boy, it's promising ) is meh (first time jumping from a rooftop with powerarmour and minigun is epic though!!!).


On a sidenote probably unrelated to that problem: Loading times are pretty long for me (sometimes seconds short of a minute). I know, I don't have the fastest rig there is, but this game is old and I run it on an SSD plus decent RAM on board.

Edited by Morvin
change of status of the issue
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Two things I can think of, off hand, did you start the gog version of the game from its own exe first, before trying to launch through mo2, this was required by the steam version so that it could set up things like screen resolution and other settings first, and generate the required ini files, mo2 would then pick them up, and create it's own custom location one from them, that would probably explain the screen resolution and such part of it.


Second did you get the GOG specific version of SKSE and use that?  As far as I am aware the GOG version should not require steam at all, though others may well contradict me about this, but GOG is supposed to be DMRA free software usually.


As for the nude bodies, did you either install vanilla nude textures or create the bodyslide files for the nude body, if you have not done one or the other of these then you will get the vanilla under wear.


As for loading time, yes both Skyrim and Fallout 4 have had massive increases in loading times over the years, no idea what caused it, but the bigger the mod list the longer it is, also the more saves you have the longer it seems to be as well.

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Just making sure that you that you put the 'argument' in the right place, (don't hit me!).




MO2 setting







That works for me, (Mind I have a very old version of MO2 because lazy - v2.1.3 on a Window 7 PC. No idea if that a factor). Just closed Steam down and ran it and it just worked. 

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Thanks for replying.


Yep, fired it up first with the vanilla loader where it checks your computer settings. I got the F4SE from the silverlock site (there is only one version for both STEAM and GOG) - and it starts the game OK if I start it from the game folder. I think the problem is that MO2 needs an update for its database to run FO4 properly (GOG Skyrim runs like a charm). As far as I can tell, the not running mods is a common issue with the GOG version (there is a workaround for some people it seems, it's just not working for me) - I was just wondering if anyone here knew some dirty little trick I could try or if I just have to sit it out until it's resolved by some update.


As for the nude body: I added Fusion Girl for the females to MO2 list plus the ZaZ-Skeleton and followed the menu through. Still got the the vanilla girl with painted on undies.


That the loading times are longer than in Oblivion is no surprise - the textures have increased massively. But Skyrim with 100+ mods is no problem even when deeper into the game for my rig (talking about < 10s). But FO4 vanilla literally takes a minute to exit an interior for me.



Yep, I copied the argument into the right place.


Edited by Morvin
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MO2's Archive Invalidation (or rather it's non-existence) was the culprit for not loading the mod. I used Bethini from Nexus to fix this and made it possible to load loose files. :triumph:

I had also to disable profile-specific ingame .ini and add -forcesteamloader to the arguments for F4SE.


That also resolved the small window problem, too. Time to porn this game up!


Thanks for your replies!

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  • Morvin changed the title to Mods don't load using MO2 with GOG Version (resolved)
On 9/6/2023 at 10:39 PM, Morvin said:

MO2's Archive Invalidation (or rather it's non-existence) was the culprit for not loading the mod. I used Bethini from Nexus to fix this and made it possible to load loose files. :triumph:

I had also to disable profile-specific ingame .ini and add -forcesteamloader to the arguments for F4SE.


That also resolved the small window problem, too. Time to porn this game up!


Thanks for your replies!


Cheers for posting a reply with a solution. (Not for me, but it's 100% better when someone fixes it themselves and doesn't just post a "I fixed it!" response without telling anybody about their solution). 

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