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Zaz Animation Packs + Devious Devices + Devious Followers "complications"

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 Hi! So, I've downloaded lots of mods and someway I managed to make it all work perfectly (or almost), but I found a problem and looks problably others had to, but the closest I got for a solution was the Zaz Animation Packs (ZAP) author basically saying that the mods are incompatible (ok, I'm upset with it), but then I realized than ZAP has its own "BDSM" themed items, like, if I'm right the ZAP items are all with "Z" on the inventory menu, while Devious Devices (DD) are not, but when it comes to "animation" both do almost the same, armbinders are supposed to keep arms locked in position unable to draw weapons and that sort of things (for instance), so I'm wondering is it possible to someone with skills that I DO NOT posses (cause I don't understand nothing 'bout modding), is it possible that someone can make a "compatibility patch" for these two mods? Exchanging the itens that for instance "Devious Follower" gives PC to use (such as armbinders, MY personal complication) with ZAP items? Atleast those which are compatibles?!


 My problem: When Devious Followers gives my PC an item its always a Devious Devices item, in my particular case armbinders (cuffs) and for legs too, and the legs, despise the animation works fine with ZAP, character goes slower that usual, but with the armbinder, well, with those I got to exchange the animation manually for it to works, but even when I alter the ZAP MCM for restricting Combat, Sneaking and other, while using a DD Item I still get to do these, and after a jump, pressing the attack button or sneaking, the animation goes off, cause these two are incompatible (if i got it all right), but when I use a ZAP item, then everything works perfectly. Armbinders prevent what they're suposed to, the problem is that DD add its own items while ZAP restrictions only seems to work with its own items.


 I've searched all around and I haven't found any patch that helps with it, and my load order has so many mods that require both ZAP and DD that I can't just turn off any of 'em


 I don't know what to do, can anyone help with it? I'm using NMM (Vortex) and playing game is SSE (1.6.6 basically a Anniversary Edition without the things it gives).


 Is there anyway I can make Devious Followers deals and punishments to give player character the ZAP items when avaliable (again armbinders) so the ZAP animation and restriction prevails jumping, sneaking, attacking and others?! OR is there a way to make the animations + restrictions to work right?! I would talk with Lupine00 to see if he can make it, but then, I don't if he stills around.


 Thanks to anyone (if anyone) how answer this! Also special thanks to t.ara of ZAP and Kimy from DD (<3 :D)


 ~Zaz Animation Pack+ CBBE HDT V8.0+SE2023

 ~Devious Devices ALL IN ONE (Anniversary Edition)

 ~Devious Followers Continued

 ~Submissive Lola Resubmission


 PS: I would put a list of my mods, but I don't know if that would be important as everything is working perfectly (almost T_T).


 PS2: Also, I'm not english fluent, so my apologies for any miswriting.

Edited by jaynotsoanon
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Sure it would be nice if there weren't two frameworks doing basically the same thing. But the creators of both ZAP and DD pretty explicitly state in the permissions that adding their work to another bondage framework is unacceptable. I assume there was some sort of petty drama between them in the past, but anyway the result is what you want is not going to happen. Even if someone made it I think the mods would remove it.


All of that aside, from a technical perspective it would be a huge pain in the ass. There are probably hundreds of different items if the color variations are counted, and all of these would have to be manually edited. ZAP and DD alter items with a variety of methods; some of these could be combined, like keywords. Others like enchantments could not, so you would have to make a new enchantment that is recognized by both frameworks. And overhaul a lot of scripts in the process I imagine. The challenge would be getting the parts you want from each framework without the overlapping parts that do the same thing. If an item had both ZAP and DD trying to change its offset animation I imagine everything would break. 



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 I mean, yeah, lots of work, but in a simple way, all I wanted was someway to make both of these run together, without having for instance to deactivate Submissive Lola since it needs ZAP and ZAP itself is not compatible with DD...


 But I came to realize just today that DD is a problem itself... I mean, problably I'm doing something wrong, thats for sure, but as ZAP bound animations would work perfectly, not allowing PC to use combat actions, DD doesn't... I've unninstalled ZAP and its components (since I couldn't find mods that support it such as Devious Followers "supports" DD), but after all it seems like I still dealing with the same issue... Devious Devices doesn't restrict the PC animations at all...


 Saddly ZAP doesn't got something like DF (Devious Followers) and other mods to create a entire gameplay system around it, atleast not that I've found, but despise that... It works perfectly fine... Unfortunatly these two (maybe three with Devious Followers - The one that actually add the DD items to PC inventory) modders doens't "fix" these incompatibilities... Not their fault at all, but, its kinda sad... Anyway thanks for don't leaving me speaking to myself! :D

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