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I strongly suggest you don't install anything but the base vanilla game (not even skse). Then secondly I suggest you install a mod manager.

Maybe use Vortex https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/.


I myself as a veteran modder still use this for it's simplicity (never used wabbajack it looks complicated).


For you first mod you install USSEP (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266).


After that you can bypass any starting issue with the Alternate start (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272). This mod saved me soo much time testing mods. From that point you should be able to continue modding.


With installing skse maybe read this tread: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/216650-after-a-break-from-skyrim-problems-to-start-a-new-game/#comment-4161636


Do not atempt any kind of modding without mod manager, like EVER!

Edited by DarkBlade13
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Skyrim SE, or Skyrim AE? If you didn't backport your game you're modding AE, even if you don't have the additional dlc content. If you're downloading mods that specifically say they're for one of the SE versions, they aren't going to work on any of the AE versions of Skyrim.
Make sure you're also launching the game via SKSE, if you don't any mods that require it won't work. Not entirely sure how you do that with Vortex, but there's probably just an SKSE button somewhere lol

Edited by PandaIGuess
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