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Whiterun Follower (spoilers?)


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I get the feeling someone on Bethesda staff used and enjoyed CLS. The follower you get in Whiterun is named Lydia and looks somewhat like her if you take Skyrim graphics into account over Oblivion's. And in spite of her having a vanilla Skyrim body......I'd still motorboat her until next week.

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You can marry Lydia but there are tons of problem with that.


According to some sources, Lydia is supposed to be available to the player as a potential spouse after the amulet of Mara has been acquired, but a bug prevents the dialogue option from opening. This can be solved on the PC by targeting her in the console and using the command "Addtofaction 19809 1" which will open up the option for marriage. However, this is done at the player's own risk.


Returning to the temple after some time may result in her return as though the wedding has just ended. It's also been suggested that there may be something the player needs to do in the main quest line beyond acquiring Lydia as a housecarl to unlock her marriage dialog options without using the console.

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Whats CLS? A companion mod other than CM? LMAO I've also been wanting to virtually get my virtual leg over her on the throne too. I dont care about marriage though, unless it has its benifits, like chatting some1 up in GTA:San Andreas did.


Dont tell me though, I want to find out when I come to it.

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I can vouch for the 'addfaction' command to enable Lydia as my wife causing no ill effects. Just remember that the marriage ceremony happens the day AFTER you set it up in the Temple of Mara. This threw me for a loop the first time I tried and figured Lydia was indeed bugged.


I did some dungeon crawling with her and upon starting the Thieves Guild quests, left her at my house in Whiterun. The AI packs for operating her shop and giving me my cut have been working fine for the past few (real life) days.


Your mileage may vary.

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