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How do I mod files to make grandparent-grandchild marriage doable under avunculate marriage?

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2 hours ago, desrtucted said:

No, going with unrestricted marriage is not an option! It makes my whole dynasty too inbred too quickly! 


A an issue I faced as well when I asked myself,"How do I keep my bloodline pure without the risk of inbred." I just kept the unrestricted marriage and used the Pure Blood mod on steam. This I guess worked at first, but micromanaging and constantly adding the trait to everyone can be tedious if you have a 20+ harem, thankfully I had a harem  mod that came with new religion tenets, I simply applied a inbreeding_chance = -50 character modifier to the religion as a whole, not needing to deal with new clutter traits and micromanaging. Pure Blood Dynasty? Pure Blood Religion ?.


You can also do this as well with a dynasty modifier I think?. If I didn't have regula magistri to tag the inbreeding_chance onto then I would have downloaded a steam mod that adds house or dynasty modifiers and tagged it onto one of those. 

Edited by Kingskunk
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1 hour ago, Kingskunk said:


A an issue I faced as well when I asked myself,"How do I keep my bloodline pure without the risk of inbred." I just kept the unrestricted marriage and used the Pure Blood mod on steam. This I guess worked at first, but micromanaging and constantly adding the trait to everyone can be tedious if you have a 20+ harem, thankfully I had a harem  mod that came with new religion tenets, I simply applied a inbreeding_chance = -50 character modifier to the religion as a whole, not needing to deal with new clutter traits and micromanaging. Pure Blood Dynasty? Pure Blood Religion ?.


You can also do this as well do a dynasty modifier I think?. If I didn't have regula magistri to tag the inbreeding_chance onto then I would have downloaded a steam mod that adds house or dynasty modifiers and tagged it onto one of those. 

Gotta admit, I also want to cuck my son-in-law and marry my granddaughter who's also secretly my daughter. My character can't wait till I NTR my way to my great-granddaughter's 16th birthday!

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I know it's been a week since you asked so no idea if you still want this, but I've attached a small mod that makes this possible. You can install it as usual for non-workshop mods.

This overrides a single scripted trigger, making the change I commented below

relation_with_character_is_incestuous_in_faith_trigger = {
	OR = {
		#doctrine_consanguinity_restricted; absolutely no family business
		AND = {
			$FAITH$ = { has_doctrine = doctrine_consanguinity_restricted }
			is_close_or_extended_family_of = $CHARACTER$ #[parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, cousins, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces]
		#doctrine_consanguinity_cousins; the only acceptable incest is with your cousin
		AND = {
			$FAITH$ = { has_doctrine = doctrine_consanguinity_cousins }
			OR = {
	            is_close_family_of = $CHARACTER$ #[parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren]
	            is_uncle_or_aunt_of = $CHARACTER$
	            is_nibling_of = $CHARACTER$
		#doctrine_consanguinity_aunt_nephew_and_uncle_niece; extended family is ok
		AND = {
			$FAITH$ = { has_doctrine = doctrine_consanguinity_aunt_nephew_and_uncle_niece }
			is_close_family_of = $CHARACTER$
			 NOT = { # Allow grandparent - grandchild
			 	OR = {
			 		is_grandchild_of = $CHARACTER$
			 		is_grandparent_of = $CHARACTER$

		#doctrine_consanguinity_unrestricted; all forms of incest is acceptable



Edited by zeelok
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