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IntelligentVoicedDirtyTalk Voices

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10 hours ago, y_sengaku said:

Sorry for messing the forum again and again.


Small update to dlc1maleuniqueisran: ivdt_dlc01maleisran_draft_v2.7z

  • Additional Credit: Employed Danruta's xVASynth 2 - SKVA Synth to differentiate phrases of gratitude ( the original actor, Isran, actually has just one explicit line of thanks in whole of his dialogue line in vanilla!)
  • I had expected that I could draw some heavy breathing sounds (that lacks in his vanilla voice files) from other generic male voices, but those MaleCommander (I hoped it the most likely candidate) are unfortunately not so subtly different that even I (as a non-native in English language) surely notice the different (so not dealt with this update). 

No worries! Thanks for your work.

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On 3/19/2023 at 7:05 PM, L0rd0fT0rm3nt_ said:

No, just in the IVDT folder. So, for example, the first female voice should be [your Skyrim data folder]/Sound/fx/IVDT/F1. The second female voice should be [your Skyrim data folder]/Sound/fx/IVDT/F2, etc. The topics should be a level below that so for example female 1's Orgasm sounds should be in [your Skyrim data folder]/Sound/fx/IVDT/F1/Orgasm/[01, 02, etc].


Sorry for the confusion, I updated the mod description to be more clear.


Edit: Sorry I just noticed this was already answered.

You could build the file system into the zipped structure. That way people could just activate it in the mod manager. People are going to be asking the same question six months from now.

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Just two drafts of very niche vanilla packs here: 


1: Malecondescending: ivdt_malecondesceding_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla actors: Nazeem (Yes), Savos Aren, (Fake) Emperor Titus Mide II, Elindir, Kleppr (innkeeper of Markarth's Silverblood Inn), Odfel (probably only marriageble in this voice type - a Nord miner in Shor's Stone)
  • Relatively high tones and perhaps fit for some Elven males. Both young and relatively old characters are assigned with this voice type. 
  • Includes some very saucy lines - though only with a slight alteration of vanilla dialogue lines. And also, they (possibly except for Savos)  often speak a very silly dialogue line in vanilla, so beware.
  • Totally independent from any racial and cultural reference, and also, based totally on the spliced vanilla lines. Orgasm voices are still just taken from those of MaleEventoned. 
  • Format: 44,100 Hz, 16bit, Stereo, wav, the same as the official voice package. 


2: MaleUniqueUlfric: ivdt_maleuniqueulfric_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla actors: three Ulfric (main, civil war, Sovngarde after the civil war Imperial quest line)
  • While the lines sometimes refer to Nord cultural things (a true Nord/ Sovngarde, Talos), I try to remove any direct reference either to the Civil War or to Greybeard. So, you can also assign this package with some other Nord/ Stormcloak soldiers as well. 
  • A few phrases and one line is generated by xvaSynth. Orgasm voices are still taken from MaleNordCommander. 
  • Format: 44,100 Hz, 16bit, Stereo, wav, the same as the official voice package.



Edited by y_sengaku
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On 3/16/2023 at 2:52 AM, BigOnes69 said:

Maybe put all the voice types into one mod name with the voices in the proper file structure so that managers can install all the voices they want into one mod.


can this be a thing asap please?
directions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan.

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These drafts are for sure my last contribution of the draft voice/ WIP packs until this summer (when I hope I have some time to spare), based mostly just on the spliced vanilla dialogue lines, grunts and moans.


Formats of the all draft voice pack files (in common): 44,100 HZ, stereo, 16-bit (the same as the official pack released in the file section).


1: MaleCommander: ivdt_malecommander_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs with this voice type: Skjor, Commander Maro
  • Orgasm sound files (with moans) are still just ripped from the official MaleBrute pack.
  • No mention of race/ cultural specific deities and customs (except for the "Eights")

2: MaleNord: ivdt_malenord_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs with this voice type: Balgruuf the Greater, Vilkas (marriageable), Alvor, Hod, Ralof, Berland (marriageble), Gregor (DLC HF housecarl of Pale, marriageable)
  • Orgasm sound files (with moans) are still just taken from the official MaleNordCommander pack.
  • Some references to Nord racial-cultural specifics like Sovngarde, True Nord and Shor.
  • I'm afraid that my selection of the based lines/ grunts might fit rather better with "swingers in Riverwood" or "drunken, lewd Balgruuf visiting in Bannered Mare" than "husbando Vilkas", due to the fairly wide ranges of tones and topics mentioned by the vanilla voice lines of this voice type.

3: MaleYoungEager: ivdt_maleyoungeager_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs with this voice type: Erik the Slayer, Onmund, Mikael, Anoriath, Sven
  • Orgasm sound files (with moans) are still taken from the official NordEventoned pack. 
  • AFAIK (if I remember correctly) no reference to race/ cultural specific deities and traits.

4: MaleUniqueKodlakWhitemane: ivdt_maleuniquekodlakwhitemane_stereo.7z

  • No other vanilla NPC than Kodlak has this voice type, and very frequent reference to Nord cultural specific deities and things. 
  • Orgasm sound files (with moans) are still just taken from the official MaleNordCommander pack.
  • Some of his voices are heavily tweaked for his ghost version appeared in the end scene of the Companion quest line, he has much less (raw) voice files than I initially assumed (so I'm not so satisfied with this initial package).


Alleged FAQ : Why don't you work and submit the draft for any single female voice pack?

  • Female package includes 291 voice files (if I can count correctly) vs only 51 files for the male per a single voice pack. I even struggle with thinking about a dozen of rather crude/ saucy joke as well as remarking lines based on individual voices.
  • It means that I would probably not have completed a single female voice pack by now if I was working with female as some other people do. So, I'll also wait for their works (either based on AI or spliced) patiently.
Edited by y_sengaku
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For those who really try something new (early WIP so I didn't uploaded them yesterday, before my hiatus from the work), but at least with the complete set of files): 


1: MaleKhajiit: ivdt_malekhajiit_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla actors with this voice type: all of the Khajiit male -  J'zargo (follower), Kharjo (follower),  Kesh the Clean, Ri'saad.
  • Orgasm sounds are still just copied from the official MaleArgonian voice pack


2: MaleDrunk: ivdt_maledrunk_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla actors with this voice type: Torvar (follower/ marriageable), Cosnach (follower/ marriageable), Embry, Brenuin, Sam Guevenne


The current situations of the remaining generic male voice types are shown below in the spoiler tag, but I hope with these two I've covered at least the most of the marriageble/ potential follower voice ones in vanilla, except for "accented" variants (I hope they can also use their on-accented counterpart).


  • Summary: I'll perhaps try to work also MaleSlyCynical in future, but not for now (hopefully by this summer/ fall).
  • ( Priority: Low):  MaleCommoner: Perth in Soljund's Sinkhole is the only marriage candidate, and including him, majority of the owners of this voice are either citizens or non-generic npcs those who not so often build the continuous relationship with the player characters.
  • (Priority: From Low to Middle?):  MaleCoward: Octieve San (marriageable old drunkard in Solitude, with a grown up daughter-in-law and financial problem! ), Proventus Avenicci, Arniel Gane, Horgeir (cucked lumberjack in  Dragon Bridge). Octieve is certainly a very unique candidate of the male husband in game, and many players are familiar with Proventus.
  • (Priority: Middle?): MaleElfHaughty: While the male Elven (Altmer and Dunmer) player character has this voice, there are very few not-so-overtly npcs in this voice type, especially in non-DLC vanilla. Ondlemar, Melaran, Nelacar, and Vingalmo (DLC DG). Main owners are male Thalmor soldiers that generally lack non-hostile interaction with the player character. My initial attempt (that should have been uploaded as the same time with MaleYoungEager) unfortunately  ended almost in unique Nelacar and Vingalmo for friendly dialogues.
  • (Priority: Low?): MaleOldGrumpy: Skald the Elder, two elders of the clans in Whiterun, Nurelion, Wunferth the Unliving.
  • (Priority: Low?): MaleOldKindly: Tolfdir, Calcelmo, Nils (a cook in Windhelm's Candlehearth Hall). Most of these people (especially of human race, not elf) in these two voice types belonged to the elder race, sometimes with the nude visual glitch especially when we use older re-texture of adult male body nude mod. 
  • (Priority: Middle): MaleSlyCynical: I'm afraid this is probably the last remaining male voice type of some importance. Madanach, Falion, Belethor, Lucan Valerius, Sibi Black-Briar, and Sorex Vinius (only the marriageble npc with this voice type - a son of the innkeeper in Soliude) belong to this voice type.  Variants of the voice lines, tones, and personalities of the npcs with this voice type (from Viarmo to Madanach) have so far hindered my eagerness to tackle this voice type, though. 
  • (Priority: Very Low): MaleSoldier: a few unique, mainly Imperial npcs (Gaius Maro, Rexus, Sulla Trebatius) also has this voice type, but virtually all of them are quest-related and destined to die  by the end of the quest line in question......
Edited by y_sengaku
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Here comes very early draft of voice pack for some of remaining generic male voice types (with the same format and set as the official package, though): 


1: MaleSlyCynical: ivdt_maleslycynical_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major male NPCs with this voice type: Belethor, Lucan, Madanach, Viarmo
  • Orgasm sound files are now still copies from MaleBrute.
  • Vanilla lines and characters  of this voice type is characterized as the diversity and lack of subtlety in general - some lines from combat voices can be very loud already in vanilla and need perhaps to be tweaked (in vanilla game you can confirm their loudness just by punching either Priest Andurs in Whiterun or Viarmo - they almost changed their usual composure instantly). 

2: MaleCoward: ivdt_malecoward_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major male NPCs with this voice type: Proventus, Arniel Gane, Octieve San
  • in still very early stage (mostly of generic reactions)
  • Orgams sound files are now still copies from MaleEvenToned.

3: MaleOldGrumpy: ivdt_maleoldgrumpy_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major male NPCs with this voice type: Skald the Elder, Festus Krex, Nurelion, Logrolf the Willful, Vignar Gray-Mane
  • Orgasm sound files are now still copies from MaleNordCommander.
  • Thanks for Festus, Logtolf (victim of the vanilla Molag Bal quest, with variant of grunts), and Vignar, this voice pack fortunately includes some variety of unused voice files also. 

4: MaleOldKindly: ivdt_maleoldkindly_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major male NPCs with this voice type: Tolfdir, Calcelmo, Steward Raerek in Markarth, Priest Runil in Falkreath
  • Orgasm sound files are now still copies from MaleNordCommander.
Edited by y_sengaku
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Other very early WIP draft of the voice packs of the remaining generic vanilla male voice type for unique NPCs (sorry for confusing expression).

All of their orgasm sound files are still just copies from those of the official package of MaleEvenNord, and their reactions to the player are perhaps still rather genetic rather than specific to individual voice types.


1:  MaleCommoner : ivdt_malecommoner_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs wof this voice type: Contrary to its name, except for Perth (miner in Soljund's Sinkhole in Reach/ marriageable after the short quest), owners of this voice type are generally hostile or non-named generic NPCs like peddlers in world encounter events (that's why I feared whether it has enough variants of interaction lines for post nut remarks and has made its accented variant.
  • Try to remove any specific racial or cultural reference (though try also to include some allusions to it).

2:  MaleCommonerAccented : ivdt_malecommoneraccented_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs of this voice type: Rolff Stone-Fist, various carriage drivers across the cities, Mralki (Erik the Slayer's father), Angrenor Once-Honored (a beggar in Windhelm, marriageable), Jofthor (Fastred's father)
  • In fact, this voice type is far more popular (about 50) among the citizens in vanilla game than MaleCommoner (the latter also has several dialogues of the Forsworns and bandit NPCs, so it's actually not so for citizens.....).
  • Try to remove any specific racial or cultural reference (though try also to include some allusions to it).

3: MaleElfHaughty : ivdt_maleelfhaughty_draft_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs of this voice type: (male player character of Altmer/ Dunmer), Ondlemar, Nelacar, Thalmor soldiers and wizards.
  • NB: I toned down the choice of some voice files, but it still includes very aggressive taunts from the Thalmor soldiers.


4: (adds): Very Quick & Dirty Edit of MaleEventonedAccentedivdt_maleeventonedaccented_stereo.7z

  • Major vanilla NPCs of this voice type: Farengar Secret-Fire, Vorstag, Asgeir Snow-Shod, Bolli
  • NB: very early WIP (I'm afraid the official MaleEventoned would fit much better with them).


With these four (especially MaleElfHaughty), all non-DLC generic male voice types for unique and friendly NPCs have now been covered, although in very early WIP stage.  You might also be able to take the possibility of auto-assigning function of vanilla male voices (like Auto Vanilla Voice)  into consideration, or re-structure of Male voice folders (AIO and .bsa compressed might be user-friendly) with these resources. 




Edited by y_sengaku
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23 hours ago, y_sengaku said:

With these four (especially MaleElfHaughty), all non-DLC generic male voice types for unique and friendly NPCs have now been covered, although in very early WIP stage.  You might also be able to take the possibility of auto-assigning function of vanilla male voices (like Auto Vanilla Voice)  into consideration, or re-structure of Male voice folders (AIO and .bsa compressed might be user-friendly) with these resources. 

I see what you're saying, but I think you missed the goal of the mod. The mod's goal was not to replace all the voices, since it would require a massive amount of disk space, time, and even if someone were to make all the voices there would be no way to use all of them together unless someone else slaved away at copy/pasting a million different things in the esp for each new voice slot.


In order to make a new voice slot, you have to make a new sound descriptor object for each topic that points to the exact spot in the file system where every single audio clip can be for that topic. There is no way to automate this at all. Then, you have to create a new sound marker object and pair it to the sound descriptor object. Then you have to create a new quest alias, add the voice script to it, attach every single new sound marker to to that script on the quest alias by hand. Then you have to test the voice slot and hope there isn't this random bug that comes up where the creation kit pretends the properties of that script are all null even though they aren't. The only way to fix that bug, per much research online, which came up multiple times when I made the original voice slots, is to completely rename the voice script, recompile it and all the other scripts that use it, re-add it to all the previous quest aliases, and by hand re-add all the sound marker objects to each quest alias that has it.


SexLab got around some of this work by forcing new voices to be added through new esps which were forced to provide their own sound descriptors and sound markers. This necessitates the need for more esps, and more importantly, a very complicated and large system to manage thread safety and voice loading in SexLab's esp, in a game engine which has very little documentation on how to do that kind of thing.  I would be overwhelmed just trying to copy what SexLab did for that. Even with the extra esps, SexLab had to copy/paste a new quest alias for each possible voice that could be added, resulting in a quest with 200+ empty quest aliases waiting to be paired via their overwhelmingly complicated voice pairing system. Programming a thread-safe framework that can handle all of these conditions for voice pairing that everyone will depend on is my idea of hell.


I'm just a 24 year old disillusioned male who quit his insurance programming day job because he hated it and spent a few months in his parents house putting his programming skills to use on something he actually enjoyed. But, even my resources have limits and I can't really afford to spend that kind of time on this. It was a miracle I got this far. Even though I'm proud of what I've managed to accomplish, it has come at the cost of my sanity as working with the creation kit and the buggy MCM Helper mod has put me to my absolute limits. The pieces of software barely work and you can spend hours debugging the simplest thing which breaks to no fault of your own.


The goal of this mod was to handcraft a select few voices to have really good quality dialogue and use the old SexLab voice system for everything else. This wasn't from lack of ambition, but from an enormous amount of technical debt and stress making it the only viable option. I know from your point of view you have no way of knowing (after all those old mods did it, right?) but the hell behind the scenes makes it to where I have to say no to this. No hard feelings, you're just thinking along the lines everyone else is. But, I think you'll also understand its important I explain where I'm coming from. Others have asked for auto-assigning voices in-mass and its just completely missing the scope and point of the mod.



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thank you very much for the detailed technical explanation. 

It's entirely your mod, and I respect your decision. 


I've also just taken a glance at sound descriptor section in the esp.file (not directly into scripts, though), and they are certainly tied directly to the voice slots (I had assumed that the descriptors were associated with the involved actors, not directly with the slots itself - perhaps as other assume as well). 


Also, of course, It's entirely up to you (and other people) how use the spliced voice files I've uploaded in this forum so far.


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On 4/2/2023 at 7:34 PM, y_sengaku said:



thank you very much for the detailed technical explanation. 

It's entirely your mod, and I respect your decision. 


I've also just taken a glance at sound descriptor section in the esp.file (not directly into scripts, though), and they are certainly tied directly to the voice slots (I had assumed that the descriptors were associated with the involved actors, not directly with the slots itself - perhaps as other assume as well). 


Also, of course, It's entirely up to you (and other people) how use the spliced voice files I've uploaded in this forum so far.


Thanks for understanding. Sorry I went off on you. I should've had a more composed response. And thank you for all your work so far. Even if an all-in-one is not feasible, I think people will still very much appreciate being able to choose any male voice for their player character or favorite NPC. I have no idea how you were able to do all those voices.

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3 hours ago, L0rd0fT0rm3nt_ said:

I have no idea how you were able to do all those voices.


Thank you for your kind words, again.


I have tried to made my own custom voice pack for player voice replacer pack (both of female and male voices) before, so I knew a few basic rules of numbering EditID (dialoguegeneric generally had attack/ damaged/ taunt grunts and lines) and formatting that helped my hasty works of these draft voice packs.  


I'm still quite meh with Audacity (while I have to learn a bit for my job), however, and had been overwhelmed with the mass of female voice edit at first  (I have a slight better knowledge on how you made them by combination now - in this regard, to edit drafts of male voice with much less file numbers per a voice was indeed good practices).


Now it's time for me to go back to my work, but I hope I have some time to work with one female voice pack by summer (from the point of view in existing vocabulary of the lines, FemaleElfHaughty and FemaleOrc look promising, in addition to FemaleCommander - though the popular demand might be another matter). 

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  • 1 month later...

xVASynth has just been updated to v3. with emotion control, better post-processing as well as new speech-to-speech conversion.


So far, the supported voice model for Skyrim voice types are not so many, but among the updated line-ups, Serana, FemaleKhajiit, FemaleNord (Mjoll), Male Nord, and Ulfric (his v2 AI voice was very flat) looks especially promising.

Edited by y_sengaku
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  • 1 month later...

y'all, you can make a batch file and switch F1/F2 on the fly to all of the other voices in this set. IVDT just reads what's in the directories.


I'm talking copy paste over the F1/F2 directory with the newer voices or just rename directories. We dont need extra slots, just move stuff around. No voice reset necessary. You can do it during the animations. It seems to play out the old wav file and then start with the new ones.


Just need more voices :)

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