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can we make sperm?

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-every single sperm has their destiny?


I'm not sure if the genotype differs in the sperms of the same load; but isn't that a philosophical question anyway?



Yes, because we used to be sperm and philosophically it means a lot after all the way we get through from cradle to grave. If Emily ask herself then yes. Emily do pity the brother and sister who didn't make it.. and by your previous answer that some of sperm quality got absorbed by both two ova.


it makes Emily wish that she never been born. The point is life is painful and wasteful if we ever think off as every sperm has their own destiny.


... feels like zergling.

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-every single sperm has their destiny?


I'm not sure if the genotype differs in the sperms of the same load; but isn't that a philosophical question anyway?



Yes, because we used to be sperm and philosophically it means a lot after all the way we get through from cradle to grave. If Emily ask herself then yes. Emily do pity the brother and sister who didn't make it.. and by your previous answer that some of sperm quality got absorbed by both two ova.


it makes Emily wish that she never been born. The point is life is painful and wasteful if we ever think off as every sperm has their own destiny.


... feels like zergling.



Following that logic, every single cell in your body has it's own destiny, as it is completely possible to take, say, a skin cell from your nose and science it (SCIENCE IS A VERB NOW!), you can implant the DNA into an embryo, creating a new human.


If you scratch your nose, or even blow your nose, you've commited mass genocide of unforseen proportions.

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... feels like zergling.


Zerglings have many, many friends, and that is good, isn't it? But you would rather be a zerebrat than a zergling.


Anyway, being born is the greatest gift; not because of the life but the opportunity to die correctly. And this leads to the conclusion that you shouldn't wish to be never born; at least that's what I believe.

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If Sperm is truly scared and holy.

Fapping should be banned & forbidden. :lol:


tissue sales drop dramatically.



That would lead to a lot of frustrated men in the long term and that would surly result in war or other nonsense. So fapping for peace :lol:


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  • 2 weeks later...

More question about sperm.


Emily read from her book that even a single celled organisms have some form of consciousness by wilheim wundt. He suggested that amoeba ability devour food indicates continuity of mental process.


Now sperm are millions and numberless swarms, reside within the balls like a holding tank ready to invade planet. Which makes leviathan like an ejaculating colossal penis to fertilize terran planetary like planet sized ovum.




If sperm haz laif and each has mental of it's own personality. It makes everything even stranger and amazing on how they developed from miscropic size into full blown man and woman with greater mental cognitive and sentient.


Dunno if they have unfied concious with their host. Which what makes us human?

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Okay, now THAT is ignorance at it's finest. All they're watching is water movement caused by a slowly-leaking tank due to improper seating of the tank bail, or the float ball is not shutting off the water supply completely at the ballcock valve. Do they also watch shit to see if it swims due to active germs?


As for sperm, bacteria, and single-cells orgs: No sentience whatsoever. Just the basics of their biological 'programming'.


of course, for some humans, sentience and the basics are all they can handle. Common sense eludes them, even with nominal parental/environmental programming. :-/


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