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Question about effects

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As per title, I have applied an effect to the dress which, affects the NPC, increasing its arousal , effect recognisable by the little hearts .

Now , as it is applied to the dress , when it is removed , the effect ceases to work but , how do I know if the NPC is still under the effect? Is there any command in the console to view?
I have tried setting a duration but , the effect no longer works  . I have set the Magnitude so that the effect safely hits the target.










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Looks like effect twisted rings.

If so, extending duratation is contrary. It' s a concentration MGEF applied via cloak as FF.

The effect lasts as long as the npc is in range of cloak. Range of cloak is defined by strenght of cloak.

The arousal increase happens only on the recast. The longer the duratation of cloak used spell, the less arousal increase.

If you want higher rate, increase cloak stenght (range) and reduce duration to 1s.


Edited by Tlam99
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6 hours ago, Andy14 said:

In the console, there is a category effects at the top left for selected NPC/PC. You can expand these categories and see the effects.

Seen . When I remove the dress, the effect stops . Theory says that, if still in effect, the little hearts should continue to appear , which does not occur. The console says that the effect stops


35 minutes ago, Tlam99 said:

If you want higher rate, increase cloak stenght (range) and reduce duration to 1s.

What I would like to achieve is, that the effect continues to work, even when the dress is removed , which does not occur. Only when I wear the dress does the effect start




dress.esp  for those who wish to inspect it, the esp with the effect . I add the combination in the order in which it should be executed 


Object Effect > [MGEF0500012DC]

MGEF0500012DC > [SPEL:050012DA]



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Thisscript extends objectreference


armor property my dress auto

spell property myspell auto


Event onequipped(actor akactor)


akactor addspell(myspell)




Or give this npc the spell voa console. Make the enchantment effect an ability, copy a spell and make the changes MGEF

it must be a cloak, like the ice or fire cloak. Then  use the arousal spell as triggered cloak spell.






Edited by Tlam99
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Just a note on the equip and unequip events - these only work partially as they only respond to manual equip/unequip. If armor etc. are equipped using a script, then the event handlers do not work. If you want to have a magic effect on an armour, ring, diadem etc. that always works 100% - then you use enchantments.

And one more note about magic effects. If the effect is called with Spell fire and forgot, then the magic effect has no status - it is instant at EffectEnd.

If you want to run an effect once that is still there after the unequip, then do it like Tlam99 wrote - add a spell to Equip. But remember to check that the PC/NPC doesn't already have this spell/effect - otherwise it can get weird (depending on the effect). So only add it if it makes sense

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Done . I'll wait to declare victory anyway, just in case.  ? . I had one too many MGEFs on the ENCH Object, probably the cause of the failed activation once the suit was removed


Whit Dress





Whitout Dress . When naked ( not that she was clothed before ? ) , the effect seems to have become stronger









Thanks to all for advice/suggestions


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