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Deadly Reflex - still works after uninstall/all files deleted (Edited)


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I had some problems with crashing while trying to manually uninstall the Deadly Reflex 6 mod (Made the mistake of doing a manual install).

I fixed the crashing but now I have another problem.

I did manage to remove all the files with wrye bash (I kept the Texture and Meshes files because they're a requirement for another mod),

but somehow (I have abseloutly no idea how) the mod is still working... without the .esp, .esm files and .ini files the mod still works o.O

I am both suprised and confused at this point, I did load a game and save it again (for a clean save) but the mod is still fully functional.


I do have some backups of the DR6 files on my desktop, but to my knowlege, those shouldn't be the cause as theyre just an extracted folder on the desktop.




Load Order:


00 Oblivion.esm
01 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
02 Lovers with PK.esm
03 BreakUndies.esm
04 TamagoClub.esm
05 HiyokoClub.esm
06 LoversCreature.esm
07 x117race.esm
08 HorseCombatMaster.esm
09 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0A ChaseCameraMod.esp
0B DLCHorseArmor.esp
0C DLCOrrery.esp
0D DLCVileLair.esp
0E DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
0F DLCSpellTomes.esp
10 Thieves Arsenal.esp
11 DLCThievesDen.esp
12 GDS.esp
13 Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp
14 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
15 DLCFrostcrag.esp
16 Knights.esp
17 CoverYourself.esp
18 TamagoBreak.esp
19 TamagoNews.esp
1A TamagoShop.esp
1B TamagoTopic.esp
1C TamagoConfide.esp
1D LoversTamagoClub.esp
1E LoversEncounter.esp
1F HiyokoGenerator.esp
20 TamagoSetBody.esp
21 LoversClubCatsSx.esp
22 LoversHooker.esp [Version 2.2]
23 LoversRaperS.esp
24 LoversImmoralGuards.esp
25 Lovers with PK.esp [Version 96]
26 LoversCreature.esp
27 LoversMB2.esp
28 LoversTrueCrimeEx.esp
29 LoversSlaveTrader.esp
2A LSTBravilUnderground.esp
2B LSTaddonInH.esp
2C RealisticForceLow.esp
2D RealisticForceMedium.esp
2E RealisticForceHigh.esp
2F 666_Modified_Contraception_esp_1_0.esp
30 SetBody.esp
31 AutoSetBody.esp
32 Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp
33 Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp
34 Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp
35 Mounted_Spellcasting_Deadly_Reflex_Compatible.esp
36 DRSplatter.esp
37 Beautiful People.esp
38 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
39 IDKRRR_C_race.esp
3A Chocolate Elves.esp
3B DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp
3C Bashed Patch, 0.esp
3D LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
3E LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp



EDIT: Changed the post and post name to be relevant to my current problem with the uninstallation (Instead of containing information about the crashing which no longer is a problem).

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Moved to tech support.


Since you did a manual install, what you need to do is grab DR6 again and unzip it to a temp folder.  Then examine all the files and folders it has and delete those from your Oblivion folder.  You will need to install a skeleton after doing this.  I recommend growlf's universal skeleton (the controllable version).


Then you will need to start up your game, load a saved game.  Once it loads you will need to make a new manual save (no quick or auto saves).  Then exit the game.

You will have cleaned your saved game by this.  Now start as you normally would and use your newly made clean save.


As to you deleting the data folder.......Don't.  Doing so should be a last resort only.  Yes, you will most likely loose things if you do that.  If you fail to reinstall everything then you may never get your saved games to work correctly.

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Moved to tech support.


Since you did a manual install, what you need to do is grab DR6 again and unzip it to a temp folder.  Then examine all the files and folders it has and delete those from your Oblivion folder.  You will need to install a skeleton after doing this.  I recommend growlf's universal skeleton (the controllable version).


I just tried this, but it still crashes before the loading screen is over so I dont have any oppertunity to save for a clean save.


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I just downloaded Oblivion Mod remover (Didn't do this yesterday because the nexus page refused to work and I assumed the mod was taken down) but I read around a bit, and I've seen people on forums saying that disabling/uninstalling is hard because the HorseCombat file is a master file, and will cause the game to crash on the loading screen unless I remove it properly (they reccomended wrye bash), Im not sure if this will help me, and either way, I have no idea how as I couldn't even find a site that showed what to do.

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Mod remover is good but keep in mind that the program doesn't care about whether the given file is overwritten by other mods or not. So be careful when you run it. It doesn't even care about whether the target forder is oblivion folder or not.

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Wyre Bash has a mod cleaning tool for saved games.  You can give that a try.  I don't recommend using the current version posted on the nexus.  I do recommend using version 295 of wrye: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oblivionworks/files/Wrye%20Bash/Wrye%20Bash%20295/

Thank you, I just have no idea how to clean saves with Wrye Bash, the last couple of hours of googling and searching through readme's havn't helped me yet.

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Click the saves tab and then right click on the save you want to mess with.  You can remove masters from it and all sorts of other items.


There is a pictorial guide for Wrye right here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35230/?


Now thats interesting, I clicked the list Masters option for my save, and none of the esp's or esm's from Deadly Reflex showed up, I also looked through the pictorial guide, and didn't really find anything on cleaning or editing saves (other than some bug fixes).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Were getting close to a month since I started having this problem, and I still havnt found a solution, so I think its just time for me to leave this behind. If you have something that might help, please let me know, if not, I think I'll just have to start the game and mod progress all over.

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