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Can't see the offspring

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Hi guys,

I'm currently using Sexout Breeder, and I am pretty sure I installed everything properly.

Problem is, when my character is giving birth, I can't see the offspring. Tried the Coyote and Bloatfly "questline", got my character pregnant, the giving birth animation was played but she was just laying there, no offspring showing from anywhere, though the text on the upper-left corner did show up. Am I missing some files or something? Please help me get this working right.

Thank you

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I was wondering how this is supposed to work too.  I dont know if its supposed to be that way or not.  im having that problem and another,  if wearing clothes b4 sex or birth it changes to default body instead of pregnant body then when the animation is done changes to pregnent.  Is it that way for you too?

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Nope, it runs perfectly on my game.

However, keep in mind that the pregnant body is in fact a piece of clothing that you can find when looking at the Pip-Boy. 

When you put on other clothes it comes instead of the pregnant body, and my guess is that when the birth animation plays, it only removes the clothes but doesn't equip the body.


Long story short, stay naked before giving birth.

Also, seems like there are no offsprings as of now, and probably never will be. No meshes, textures or animations have been created for them.

Yup, that sucks.

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so urs actually equips the pregnant body when taking off clothes b4 animation?  wow i cant figure out how ive got the problem then.  because i unloaded all other mods and even used a backed up game folder i had b4 i installed other mods beyond pregnancy.  and disactivated and reactivated all the nessesary mods in fomm package manager.  i have now clue where it could be saving this bug.


ya it was kind of a bummer not to see any baby fly out lol.  the modder seems pretty active tho, i wouldnt give up yet.

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