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Cant get sexlab or anyother mod to install.

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ive been trying to use both vortex and modmanager 2 for 3 days now and havent been able to actually get sex lab to install. all the requirements in game will be grayed out and wont install to the game ither. any youtube video i had followed has not worked and was wondering if anyone could help me out? 

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Spending 3 days trying to follow some youtube video and using 2 different mod manager doesn't look very promising tbh. You need to get the very basics first.

  • Know exactly which version your Skyrim SE is (this is the product version of your SkyrimSE.exe file)
  • Know exactly which version of SKSE you need and have installed (each SKSE release is made for a skyrimse.exe version in particular, which is detailed in the official skse website)
  • Pick a mod manager and learn to use it

With all the above in consideration, go through the mods you want to use, read all the available info about it and confirm you're getting files compatible with the specific game and SKSE versions you have. Install and use all the mods as instructed for your mod manager, or refer to the usual install/usage procedure for your mod manager in general if the mod doesn't specify any.



Edited by Just Don't
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