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BUSHCRAFT - Pubic Hair Project (WIP)

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10,000+ Crotch, Butt, Armpit, Abdominal hairstyles, with NO Color Swaps .... my first mod

350 Styles in this preview ... read below!




This is a preview of an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE pubic hair/skin details project I've been working on. 


There are a ton of really great "pube" mods out there but the lack of quantity and variety spurred on this project. For something that's so unique to every individual and as much as we all look at naked sims, I fee like there should be more ... a LOT more. 


I'm new to making CC so if there's problems, message me and I can fix. This is a simple skin detail mod and right now it's pretty limited compared to it's full potential. I will put out frequent updates, and with how I make, these I can make a near INFINITE amount … seriously ... with absolutely ZERO COLOR SWAPS. The first batch I produced rendered 12,000 UNIQUE PUBIC HAIRSTYLES.


This mod is exclusively for feminine-framed sims (which I will be updating for masculine) and it only uses the black swatch (more coming real soon)!




(NEW) (Update) (4/24/24)

It's been a REAL long time since I've updated this project! BUT I'm back and I'm overhauling this with a vengeance. To get right into things, I completed revamped the system/process I used to make these, and depending how things end up looking for the Sims 5, in theory I can use this same system, but we'll see.


The initial package files I was using for the previews I think were a little convoluted and the last thing I want to do is choke out the over Skin Detail mods from other creators buy making bazillions of packages. So I need to make these a bit more user friendly.


Given the nature of the content I've been having a hard time finding the right platform for people to see and download all of the different styles and be able to download them. I think I'm going to end up just using Patreon due to them being pretty lenient with nude content (which by the way is https://www.patreon.com/simstouch ... it's been pretty dead, but like I said I'm getting back to the swing of things). 


As a bit of a preview, my overall goal before I call this project done is this...

Pubic Hair Styles = 100

Swatches = 24

Variations = 5

Grand Total = 12,000




And I'm not really sure if I'm going to do one for male sims.


At the same time as I work on this, I'm going to be working on another project where I use the same process to make underwear (panties, thongs .... that kind of thing). It'll be a nice challenge for sure! 


PREVIEW 003 (10/29/22)


I went and merged the swatches to one package. The thumbnail situation is still a little messed up but I'm going to fix that before the final release. 

MIX AND MATCH! I added this to the left dimple category so you can overlay two different hairs over each other.


PREVIEW 002 (10/21/22)


COLORS! So to keep the amount of packages down, I had each package blend from one of the main shades into the other. You should see a pretty complete spectrum of the base game colors. I know one of the packages has an issue with the catalog thumbnails and I'm working on that. In the future I'm going to expand the amount of available colors as well as make them 2-3 different categories so you can mix and match. Let me know if you have any other issues!



PREVIEW 001 (10/15/22)


Right now I've got a mixed bag of various densities and styles. Some are kind of wack but you still might like em. There are 50 swatches in this preview.

PLEASE Feel free to give me any feedback!


Look Under Skin Details -> Dimple (Right)



Future Updates will include ...


+ More crotch hair

+ More Butt Hair

+More Ab Hair (happy trails)

+Armpit Hair

+More Color Variety

+Hair for Masculine-framed sims

+Full Body Hair for both frames




It works with everything as far as I know. Wicked Whims has a body hair system that may override this, but I doubt it since it's a skin detail.

Keep in mind, your bottom mesh will dictate the shape to some degree. 











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    any "remove sensor" mod (ex. WW)


Edited by 2simstouch
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Looks very promising. Downloaded and will test in-world. A question: am I right in assuming that this doesn't work with WW pubic hair growth system?


Personally, I would like to see this mod compatible with WW pubic hair growth system in future releases: for me, it will enhance the experience. Cheers!

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48 minutes ago, FranziskusFelix said:

Looks very promising. Downloaded and will test in-world. A question: am I right in assuming that this doesn't work with WW pubic hair growth system?


Personally, I would like to see this mod compatible with WW pubic hair growth system in future releases: for me, it will enhance the experience. Cheers!


Hey thanks! So far this is just a standalone thing. I'de LOVE to have it work with WW, but I'm trash at programing, scripting and all that and this is really the first mod ive done. One day it might make it's way into WW though.

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Awesome work on the textures, looks amazing. Definitely will look forward to seeing how this develops!

Update: for some reason the hair would not display for me in game. After selecting it, it would revert back to Wildguy's body hair which I previously had on my sim however after going into Sims 4 Studio and setting all swatches to: skin detail, crease (mouth), it finally displayed in game. Could be worth looking into.

Edited by LilZ3R0
Information Update
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On 10/17/2022 at 4:24 PM, LilZ3R0 said:

Awesome work on the textures, looks amazing. Definitely will look forward to seeing how this develops!

Update: for some reason the hair would not display for me in game. After selecting it, it would revert back to Wildguy's body hair which I previously had on my sim however after going into Sims 4 Studio and setting all swatches to: skin detail, crease (mouth), it finally displayed in game. Could be worth looking into.


Interesting. So i cleaned up the file structure a bit (i'm still pretty new at this) and it SHOULD fix that. Try the second preview and see if it still acts weird like that. If it keeps on I may have to adjust the sort layers


thanks for letting me know!

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3 hours ago, alexlll said:

Doesn't look natural.


Thanks for checking it out! I'm still perfecting the method so it'd should improve with following updates. But honestly, I was trying to mimic the art style of the game to some extent (a little cartoony). Like if you use like alpha sims mods, this is will stand out like a sore thumb.


But they'll get better!

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On 10/26/2022 at 7:23 PM, quicky - I said:

Very fine work of 2simstouch !  Maybe my question will be secondary, but what kind of skin do you use on your characters?


Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply. In game I use a variety of skins, typically the default one that WW provides is what i mainly use. Sadly my sim builds are pretty generic

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  • 1 month later...

First of all I thank you for your wonderful work. It turns out that I am new to playing Sims 4 and I still don't know how to use the mod well. I already installed it in the mod paste but when choosing the option to customize the pubic hair I can't find the path where the options offered by your mod are. You help me please?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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