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Monli Race body question


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so im planning on setting up my game with the monli race, and wanted to get armors that match their body, all the armor i have so far uses bodyslide so i figure the easiest way would be to make a preset of the monli's included body and build my armor based off it, so my question is what body does the monli race use by default, or are there any presets for the monli race's body already made for bodyslide?

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Taken from the Monli thread op. It uses whatever one you have installed at the time as default.



I have released the CBBE Slim Flat body with skeleton options.  Now you have the UNP and the CBBE bodies both use the same x117 skeletons (TBBP and non-TBBP).

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well, the one im using came pre-packaged in the "loliworld" mod from a different thread here and uses a separate folder, called monli, not the character assets folder to pick its body, and comes with a body already in it, so i guess my question changes to what body is this/is there a way to get a bodyslide preset for it?



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one more question, is there a way to take a body .nif file and convert it into a bodyslide preset so that you can use that shape to convert bodyslide armors, other than just opening bodyslide and nifskope and trying to make a preset by visual comparison alone?

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