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How do i stop children having sex? (Random rape)

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It is both funny and desturbung to see children having sex.

Disturbing because they are...well...children.

it is kinda funny when a little girl rapes an adult (as well as the fact that there is a huge gap between the 2 parties when 1 or 2 children are involved).

Also, I have a teen character (short adutl) but I never get aligned correctly when I am having sex.


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It could be a mod conflict. You should be able to turn it off from MCM.


However as far as I knew SexLab didn't allow such things as there were safeguards put in place to prevent that from happening.


Most likely best if you posted your load order, just in case.

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SexLab specifically checks and rejects child actors when starting an animation. If children are making it past that check than you have something disabling the flag it checks, making SexLab not recognize them as such.


Killable children mods are usually the culprit. Or if you have a mod that alters them in any other way, it is likely the culprit.

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Then it is probably my xvision children mod. it makes the children look more realistic and less like ogres (and allows you to play as a child).



Edit: deactivated xvision children and tested using matchmaker mod. it was the problem. Also dont have crashes anymore. I guess I could deactivate the mod and make them all wead helmets that hide their ogre faces.

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