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Why mod-piracy is a good thing

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First of all, I have to say I hate to call it "piracy". I'd rather call it an act of freedom, or act of anti-anti-consumer...
Some might even think "it's not a big deal" or "whats the problem in supporting those patreons". Now hold my bear and let me tell ya:

Gamers had to endure much during the last years. The decline of the industrie, the "low-quality" bug riddeld alphas and early access scams. Squere Enix tries hard to rise the price tag for games to a wopping 80bugs. And on top of that we do have the paid mods. It will get worse and worse. The greed knows no end. They even charge for reshade, fucking reshade presets! It's all about the money folks. However those greed monkies give a shit about your games. These dog-fuckers are no gamers at all, they don't care about gaming. (The are criminal scum)!!! They only care in building a paywall that benefits themself. But this shithole goes much deeper than you think. There's so much more to it than that. 

So when those paywall mod community gets bigger and more supported, publishes will deal with it. One way or an other. There are basically 2 options:

1st: The rockstar approach, banning and swinging the law suit hammers, patching the games for mod-incompatibility.
2nd possiblility: They see the model and say, hey let's incooparate those practics as well, selling people even more stuff extra. HZD3 comes with a photomode as DLC. Possible? YES!


There are no in betweens. My Cassandra compex is kicking in hard... Seeing those patterns there is clear path we head into. And I don't like this one at all.

So as a gamer, as a person truly caring about gaming you have to ask the question: "Is there anything we can do?"
And I tell you, yes there is. It's called "mod piracy" An act done by gamers for gamers. A good deed 100% it is. For every true gamer in the world!

So please share those paywall mods where ever you can, with as much people as possible.

Edited by Albertros
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3 minutes ago, Albertros said:

First of all, I have to say I hate to call it "piracy". I'd rather call it an act of freedom, or act of anti-anti-consumer...
Some might even think "it's not a big deal" or "whats the problem in supporting those patreons". Now hold my bear and let me tell ya:

Gamers had to endure much during the last years. The decline of the industrie, the "low-quality" bug riddeld alphas and early access scams. Squere Enix tries hard to rise the price tag for games to a wopping 80bugs. And on top of that we do have the paid mods. It will get worse and worse. The greed knows no end. They even charge for reshade, fucking reshade presets! It's all about the money folks. However those greed monkies give a shit about your games. These dog-fuckers are no gamers at all, they don't care about gaming. (The are criminal scum)!!! They only care in building a paywall that benefits themself. But this shithole goes much deeper than you think. There's so more to it than that. 

So when those paywall mod community gets bigger and more supported, publishes will deal with it. One way or an other. There are basically 2 options:

1st: The rockstar approach, banning and swinging the law suit hammers, patching the games for mod-incompatibility.
2nd possiblility: The see the model and say, hey let's incooparate those practics as well, selling people weven more stuff extra. HZD3 comes with a photomode as DLC. Possible? YES!


There are no in betweens. My Cassandra compex is kicking in hard... Seeing those patterns there is clear path we head into. And I don't like this one at all.

So as a gamer, as a person truly caring about gaming you have to ask the question: "Is there anything we can do?"
And I tell you, yes there is. It's called "mod piracy" An act done by gamers for gamers. A good deed 100% it is. For every true gamer in the world!

So please share those paywall mods where ever you can, with as much people as possible.

Loverslab has no truck with mod piracy (see below). If you feel this strongly about the benefits of piracy to the community as a whole there are other modding sites whose viewpoint is more "nuanced". LL believes that it is the mod makers that make the games great and are certainly the main draw to a modding site like LL. It is, therefore, in our interest, and that of the community as a whole, to support the modders and eliminate the pirates.


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  1. Piracy is not provided here. It's not our business where you get a game, but you will not get help with piracy here, and helping somebody else pirate is strictly against the rules. Keep it to yourself.
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