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I can't Install SoS for special edition

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So, I've been trying for a long time to download SoS, but when I download it MO2 recognizes that the form is 43, not 44(as for Oldrim mods). Then I download the AE version (1.1.4 or something) but when the game starts it tells me that the expected version is, wich is the version of the oldrim mod. So I do a bit more research and find out there is a patch wich is used to replace the DLL wich would solve the "form 43" problem that the Oldrim version has. But when I install the Oldrim version and the patch, the game just doesn't start. What do I have to do?

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Starting by understand the difference between versions would be a recommended first step.

  • Form 43 is from LE plugins, yes. But they can be used on a SE game without worries most times. If a mod was ported to SE and it's been used for literal years, and it still has form 43 it means it works and it doesn't need to be "updated" to form 44. You can ignore this MO2 notification, or better yet disable it entirely (MO Settings, Plugins, find the Form 43 check and disable it).
  • 1.1.4 is the latest SOS for SE version. For AE there is a separate dll update (SOS AE) which is installed on top of SOS SE 1.1.4 if you have Skyrim SE 1.6+ (or AE as some people like to call it). The dll and the form 43/44 has nothing to do and using one or the other won't fix this.

With that out of the way, all you need to know to install SOS correctly is which version of the game do you have. For this you need to check the Product version of your SkyrimSE.exe file (where your Skyrim SE is installed).

  • Skyrim SE 1.5.97 -> SOS SE 1.1.4. Nothing else, and the SE file, not the VR one.
  • Skyrim SE/AE 1.6+ -> SOS SE 1.1.4 + SOS AE. The SOS AE will replace the SOS SE 1.1.4 dll and it should work as intended on a 1.6+ game.


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