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Interdimensional Brothel (Idea, not actual game... yet.)

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So, I've found myself in a weird place (No its not LL lol) I have found a new joy in management type games. So, I've been looking around for lewd management games and I've found a few, but none that really... fully satisfied. It led me to think what would my more idealized version be? A brothel Simulator game!

But why restrict myself necessarily? Make it an Interdimensional brothel. This would allow patrons and employees from various genres (I.E. like Sci-fi and Fantasy) to appear in the brothel. And make it a 3D game.

So how did I get to this point, well... 4 games inspired this conceptual idea.


Dungeons 3 with the needs system where you satisfy heroes and then harvest them. https://store.steampowered.com/app/493900/Dungeons_3/


Tavern Master with many if not all of the mechanics that would necessarily get this to work. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1525700/Tavern_Master/

Love Tavern, a simple yet charming tavern simulator game which started me down the path of lewd management games. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1354230/Love_Tavern/

And finally, the one that triggered my idea was Extended Stay, a simple, unpolished brothel simulator, but one that had a lot of potential (If the devs didnt seemingly abandon it.) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1561520/Extended_Stay/

This game has randomly generated patrons and employees for you to hire with their own wants and desires, which I thought was pretty amazing for such a simple game.

So ideally what this game would be is you would run a brothel in 3D with randomly generated patrons and employees from the various races and species. If you check out those 4 games you might get a better idea of what I'm trying to explain here lol. Pretty much Tavern master but with all sorts of lewdness and fantastical races/species.

Mechanics of Extended Stay combined with Tavern Master, and some of the stuff you could spend your cash on would be buying portals for your interdimensional brothel which would allow new races/species to visit. So basically you would just start off with plain humans (In addition to your customizable first employee) You would invest your gold/cash w/e into buying portals that would let you get aliens, demons, wolf people, nekos, elves, orcs, dwarves, etc. 

Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to pull off such an idea, but I figured I could drop it here and see if someone else would be interested in taking up the mantle. Let me know your thoughts below.

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