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Extreme help needed


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So I took an armor mod and opened it up in 3DS max. Now this is my first time trying to mod something so of course I failed. It's the death robes boots. I set smooth on both pieces of armor and used element on the pieces I didn't want. In the game the armor shows up without textures and rips from the ningheim cbbe body   :@ . I used the _1 nif to edit. I don't know what a _go nif is though and it shows up without a skeleton. I attached the mod and my edit if you want to take a look and help me out the armor color is brown/black. If you identify my edit and successful remove the parts for me I'd be thankful beyond words. Also if you know any tutorials please link them. I have FNMO and nifskope with the plugins and I got 3DS max yesterday so that's how new I'am. Unfortunately in high school all you learn is simple shapes and so after using this program for a year in school all I could pull off was a cathedral. Perhaps Hermaeus Mora can help.






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I can not try your files now but i think you need to set the bsshaderT        textures/clothes/.....(your files)


look the directory meshes and textures in the data folder where is the de     _n.dds  for mapping


i do not understand it rips part    may be because you add the boots on the lower body  you need to do the nif file with the lower body together it need to replace it



just look on an extracted nif file and compare    than place the files in to their place

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By rips I meant the body that worked for it before now goes through it because it's not centered with the body. part of the left leg is in the boot but not all of it. (Back of the leg sticks out). Which only happen once because I tried this multiple times. Does anyone know a tutorial for taking a piece of armor and removing some pieces?

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it depends of what you want textures / meshes modding how to use nifskope (niftools) you have all over the net video tut or step by step and    On LoverLab you have some nice tutorials


for correcting the nif center i was doing it with nif adding by copy and past  the boots on a full body +legs and adjusting it with a  or a right click on the NitriShape  - transforme - Edit    or by clicking on the NitriShapeData in the block detail you can axe as well or by moving or scaling directly on the bone it depends in  detail block of the NiSkinData from the dismemberskinInstance


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I'll be looking into it for months to come. I really need this done. If anyone can remove the parts in the mean time that'd be really helpful and may help me identify what I didn't do. Thanks for the help so far.

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All I have found so far is you import the skeleton with the body and then import armor with everything set to smooth. I don't know how to use nifskope. Also why do you have to reimport the skeleton?

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it is better you look and read this tutorial with its correspondance for skyrim http://www.creationkit.com/Exporting_meshes_to_Creation_Kit#Part_1







i think it will explain you better the process than i ( i am a bad teacher even if i try)



i have tested your boots with nifskope added the body  and i see that you need to scale with 3dsmax the boots to the body it is much easyer than with nifskope but if you persist


 NitriShape - BsDismemberSkinInstance - NiSkinData    in  'block details'  you click  '+' in Bone List there you have a number of  'bone list' depending on number of bones and their position click again '+' and you have a 'skin transform'  where you can scale and edit adjust the 'x-y-z'



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That's odd because the boots work already but the edit doesn't where all I deleted was 2 parts. So when I open a mesh I have to re scale it then? Man modding is confusing. I will try the links and hopefully get the hang of this. Why does this have to be so difficult? All I want to do is take someone else's mod and delete 2 pieces from it..

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If you want you could you take the boots and delete the 2 parts for me so I can see what you did, it would really help. Also what is a go object? Thanks. I know it's a lot to ask so you don't have to do it.

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Oh so it's what the object looks like before you pick it up. I could care less about editing that but I will keep that for future reference. All I care about is what it looks like on me. And that's the hard part? My goal ultimately is to import a model and export it looking the same currently so  I can get the hang of things. If I import a model then export it without doing anything it changes the model anyways and that's what I need to improve on.

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Alright so I imported the body, skeleton, and armor and you're right. But I don't know why I have to scale it. The model should already be scaled because it already works on the body yet when I open the boots in max they don't fit the body. And do I export the model with the body or delete it? I'm putting these questions in an all in one thread.

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sorry i have no time and i need to reinstall blender and skyrim i am not modding and i am not a modder


i tried to look in nifskope and i think it is a probleme of skeleton i tested a fix one (by nifskope) but the issue (less) is still here it need more time to edit the position and euler 'x y z'            something went wrong in your conversion


now you need to delete the skeleton from the boots and attache the new one from your imported skeleton and see that all is fixed.


this tutorial may be usefull http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Converting_an_armour_to_another_body_for_Skyrim


for the textures issue you will have to go in nifskope NiTriShape and remove the BSShaderLghtenig to none click on the scene root and than go back to the NiTriShape and reassign the BSShader again  " i do not know why but rarely it does not recognise it after a conversion"  your texture are good.

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after torturing the nif files i can not tell what you did wrong exactly !


and  i have this          i just forgot to set the high hills in the scene root


and did not tested the _1.nif files (you allmost got me to get blender again !)


i can explain what i did if you need to.

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I put the Boots_1.nif and replaced the origional and there are no textures. It's all black and bronze so maybe it's something else that I did. If you don't edit only _0 or 1 are they screwed up and you must edit both? You might want to test it and thank you so far.

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i did not look at the esp it self        you need to put  the textures in the right place





generaly   :  textures\clothes\"your files"\......


do it also in the BSShaderTexturesSet     you choose the color for each paire of shoes


same texture for same set



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