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Predicament bondage themed mod.

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I think that a bondage mod that gives the player limited control and lose lose choices would be pretty fun.


As an example of one action, there could be an "ability" that causes you to "cry out". With that, there could be plugs and piercings that activate or deactivate based on voice. A plug might activate if the player does not make any noise for a given period of time, and will not deactivate until the player makes noise (cry out). Crying out draws attention and might get you in trouble with the law for indecent exposure if you're in town. It might also activate other devices that only activate when the player makes noise. There might be other devices that activate when the player has an orgasm, like a pair of gloves that link together behind your back when the player cums. Enough devices like this with different causes and effects would create a lot of lose lose situations that make escape more urgent, challenging, and fun.


It could also give you more options for a "rape free" bdsm play through, for those who might like that. (Like if "violence free" meant destroying robots instead of killing people.)


Here's a list of conditions that might activate or deactivate devices:

Nudity, orgasm, shouting, running out of stamina/magica, having full stamina/magica, Pain (spank that ass), sprinting, adding or removing devices, casting, attacking, stealing, drawing/sheathing your weapons/spells.


Here's a list of effects that might trigger:

Vibrators that gradually bring you to orgasm, shock piercings that drain magica, freezing piercings that drain stamina, hot piercings that inflict pain (spank that ass), devices that auto equip/ remove themselves, (and you'll have to discover for your self what causes them to), collars that cause you to strip, etc.

Edited by rainbowgasm
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