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(Mod idea ) victim followers (kinki)

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 I often think what situation and play style in skyrim is most sexual and interesting for me when I paly with sex mods.  As for me I play as agressor  often, at same time. I believe most ideal target for PC  should be our followers ..


(They are not my slave, and not just a looser I knock out bandit and catch up) , At same time  I hope to keep my role as good partner ,freind, for my followers. But I honestly have strong dark emotion to atack my followers somewhere as their enemy and act as agressor yes I think I should be kinki.  but my delusion are formed only for those fantasy maidens. (or SF heroines who battle as justice side then usually win)


 I had thought,  I only need beautiful enemy with individual face gen mesh and  sexual armors,  in many dungeon but it is somehow different from my thinking (for play such role )  Because I may like our follower personaiity (immergion) as strong , and their beauty kind, justice as  unique meiden. (though we seldom see such  follower in skyrim ^^;)


I do not think they are same as  one of f/m enemy which fit my sexual favor, in some dungeons .My follower need to be special follower/battle partner, we rely each other.  they are  not my slave to sell , and not one prostitute of my halem.


Then I think which mod may offer such kinki distorted scene, if I can make it.  Then I notice,  I may need (and can suppose) these 2 situation.


A Follower VS PC  I hope to atack as sexual agressor my follower. but I do not hope follower notice me. (I hope to be good master of my companions) so it may need to be happen one night mere for follower (not real experience at least for follower and she might not notice the agressor was PC, even though she doubt so..)


B  Follower vs NPC (enemy)    I hope to see follower will be atacked and becom sexual victim by many creatures or human type enemys (though I know there are many race in skyrim) in dungeon but I hope she stand up again and after all kill those.


from thinking these 2 case, I have one mod idea , kind of night mare follower quest mod  (and if some mod author like it, and try it (though I know it is not simple at all) I hope to see... (do not think actually it will happen but imagination is free ^^)


step 1
 choose follower who often see sexual nightmares recent days. In the deram she atacked by many enemy and creatures in dungeon. So she decide to remove the root of the nightmare.


PC choose follower by dialogue. (you know captive follower or kidnap redux and select follower as victim ) though I hope if we can set 2 followers and they go with,  as future plan. but at first I may only choose one follower for one night mere.

the dialogue is like this "Recently I see strange dream of you.. are you OK?"   with dialogue, player can choose where.  


step 2
 each dungeon may need to design how the night mare should be. how many mob enemys will be located (most of them easy killed by follower)  but some will be generate as special enemy (sub-boss), who should win follower temporally. ideally it is best if we can set those NPC from clone list (like SLAA clones) then sub boss will be located , and when follower reach the area, she attacked and will be raped.

The more event (sub enemy VS follower) with dialogue should be more interesting. (or player can choose how the sub boss reply after beat follower) though Ido not know how they can be designed and mod work so...


step 3
 To follower move the dungeon start point, player may wear deadra giar (I imagine, it should be kind of mask) when he wear mask, his soul is catched by deadra. then his delusion becom follower night-mere. at same time PC change appearance as Boss enemy of the dungeon 


step 4 
 After follower teleport the entrance of dungeon, PC need to follow her,  (I may plan to use mod which can set invisible PC. (yes I often use it to just follow and see NPC vs follower)


quest start.. most of case PC (invisible) just see how follower fight and kill enemy. then when she reach some area, it start sub quest, sub boss (we choose) VS follower , follower should be attacked, and show agressive animations as victim role. (ideally there should be way player can act as those sub boss role, temporally, then select dialogue or animation ..)


but follower should not give up.  she stand up again, and kill those enemy one by one . these are situation for B Follower vs NPC (enemy) parts.


player may change role sometimes as sub dungeon boss if it can (change dialogue or change animation etc) then manage those sub quest. but I do not hope to choose follower dialogue. even though it is almost same, I hope to keep role as evil side. not role as follower part. it is important for me. (act role as evil agressive,,  not victim)


step 5
 Finally follower will reach the dungeon goal. at same time now player shown as dungeon boss. (auto teleport,, I  suppose) then fight , or talk (as evil side) with follower, and defeat follower >>  play sex as dominator may mix with BDSM sex.


ideally I hope to take her to the hidden place where PC only know, (undeground base some where, with many BDSM furniture etc^^;)

After finish all,, follower  lost temper , perfectly exhausted. (she might call PC to help ..do not know,,)


step 6
 follower return her bed room with sleeping. PC stand and watching her anxiously .  She wake up and say,

" I saw real night mere .I can not believe though,, but.. I afraid if I caught for ever."


PC say, "do not worry I know.  , I saw same night mare, I could not help so quick,, but after all I found you . you are safe,  I protect you always even though in  dream....

(there should be some dialogue option,, eg follower find some symbol which she saw in night mere,, but after all it just night mare, not real she may said to herself.. )


 how it will effect and change actors.  some days, follower may need to fight with PC as true meaning. or follower gradually turn as diadora adherent (eg she will notice some strange symbol are sculpted in her body. or she may find the mask of PC..in his chest.. these are all after story ..(yes anyone can free think and append)  at first I hope to see such mod. which can offer those situation.


(I do not expect but I think, if I keep to play and learn more, some days, maybe I can make such mod,,, hopefully, or If there is strange man who like to make as real mod?  ^^)

Edited by greenmango12
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