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3BA Physics - Stuck front thighs

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Hello everyone, 


I never had issue with my 3BA setup until today. For some reason the front thighs wont move at all in SMP mode. But they will move in CBPC mode.

I can clearly see the breasts, belly, back thighs and butt move with the usual SMP quality, but not the front thighs.


I have no idea what to do. I am using the latest version of 3ba and xp32.


Any ideas ?

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I'll be honest, I'm not sure I've noticed *front-side thigh jiggle, although I've seen rear-side thigh jiggle


Have you tried an SMP reset (either by console command "smp reset" or by using the mode switch hotkey twice  - once to change to cbpc and the second to go back to smp)?

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idk, perhaps I have firmer settings or it's because I'm running one version back on CBBE-3BBB and BHUNP - I don't want to have to go through all the gyrations necessary to update, which include zeroing settings prior to update... which would screw up my carefully tailored female player and several followers


I'm not suggesting they don't, they just don't for my my game. Maybe the thighs are better handled in the newer version. 


wishes we could review fomod content without literally installing a mod.

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After some testing a tried to reinstall my SMP and in the installation window i tried to choose SMP lite preset instead of full. And this time everything is moving like it should ingame...


So it is confusing, because it clearly says that the "full" preset is the one that makes everything move on the picture on the left.


So it could be an error, like the full preset is in fact the lite one. i can confirm that every parts are moving with SMP lite option.

Since i am not expert i am not sure but everything is moving in SMP mode with that lite option.

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19 minutes ago, Quest_Items said:

After some testing a tried to reinstall my SMP and in the installation window i tried to choose SMP lite preset instead of full. And this time everything is moving like it should ingame...

Great! glad you got it sorted out


PS> Do you mean you reinstalled HDT-SMP, or BHUNP?  If HDT-SMP, I might try that myself. 

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Oh okay,


So the lite version means that only the breasts will use SMP and all the other parts will use CBPC.

That's why all moves correctly in SMP mode with the lite option. 


But with the SMP full setting, every parts are animated by SMP, and the front thighs wont work there.




PS: i reinstalled CBBE 3BA.

PS2 : My SMP do not like thighs... i heard it is one of the best part tho... what a ding dong...

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