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Beast Knights Followers Mod

This is a set of 10 Followers that I made for use with Socko's Guild Starter that was brought to Skyrim Special Edition: [ Socko's Guild Starter Skyrim Special Edition ]


This mod requires Lykaios Reborn for Skyrim Special Edition and All of it's requirements as well: [ Lykaios Reborn on Lover's Lab ] [ Lykaios Reborn on Nexus Mods ]


These 10 followers can be found up in the mountains between Bleak Falls Barrow and North Brittle Shin pass and you will be able to see it right out of the bat.

All 10 can also be used to join a guild if you want or for what ever general use for unique NPCs you want; Pose them, fight them, make them fight each other, fight a dragon with them, do ya' wild thang.

At Current Edition (Release Version 1.0.0 at 2/14/2021):

 - Note 1 - When I was working on the mod the male version of the Lykaios mod was not working for me due to personal errors with mods I am using so I was not able to test Excelcior as a male so I made him a female with his same voice. It shouldn't be too immersion breaking unless you have an armor and body replacer that really shows off the feminine characters in which case, yeah.

 - Note 2 - There is only one version currently with their "Default" outfits which will leave two of them with out any armor (My designated barbarians of the group) but I may add alternate versions where they wear specific armor sets or all have armor.

 - Note 3 - I have ideas and plans for possibly integrating a second version of them and their faction into a mod idea I am working on so if that comes out I will update this with their updated versions as an option.


~ Lore ~

One cold winter night Excelcior and his sister Zairo were pondering what they would do with their lives as the cold of Skyrim beat down on their tent. They sat and pondered till their mother came back with her hunt. The night around the fire, as the three of them began to eat, their mother realized she was out of her favorite spices and asked for her brave little boy to get her more since she wasn't feeling well from being out in the cold all day. Excelcior wanting to keep his mother safe did so, heading down to Whiterun. The markets had none of the spices his mother liked though, so instead he headed out further to a smaller town called Riverwood. It just so happened a caravan of Khajiit were coming through town and that is when he saw her, Zi'jill. The young Khajiit lady helped him find his spices and, before he could leave town, she showed him a old well that had a tunnel far up into the mountain pass. Excelcior reasoned that with this his mother could like close to society and still be able to get out and hunt like she loved to do with out the worry for their mother in case something happened. He brought the spices and good news to his mother who was filled with joy to see her son so happy about meeting the khajiit and also to see her son care about her so much. The three of them then moved to Riverwood where over time they began to learn more about themselves and meet more people. Their mother soon married an argonian man who helped take care of her and her family, something that took Excelcior some time to get used to thanks to his quiet older brother who was called Defends-his-lands. Excelcior's father in law told Excelcior about how his brother in law was in line to be a great royal guard of some far away land till he missed his chance. The two Lykaios soon enough got Defends to talk more, Zairo finding a great admiring of her new big brother. overtime the three grew up, becoming individuals more and more. Defends and Excelcior trained together, learning to better their skills to become adventurers and Zairo found herself talking up local shopkeepers more to get more out of them. It continued on like this till one day a Jarl who lost his town came into Riverwood looking for a new start, bringing along the news that he was Zi'jill's long lost brother and with him he brought Calls-Upon-Dead, a necromancer he befriended to try and save his town before it was unfortunately wiped out. Calls quickly took a liking towards Excelcior, growing quite attached to him as the Ji'lari stayed with the group. Calls' affection towards Excelcior was only kept back by one thing, Excelcior had proposed to Zi'jill. The two got married, but Calls never moved on, secretly visiting Excelcior in the night, but too scared to ever try to wake him. Overtime the group took on two more members, a Argonian who had been raised by Greybeards called Dovah and another Lykaios named Mellenia. Overtime the brother began to become to curious about why everyone was getting along so well with Zairo even though they never see her do anything with anyone else till they walked in on her writing about how she has "had some fun" with everyone in the group besides her brother and brother-in-law. Zairo was quite embarrassed about her escapades getting out, but her brothers understood mainly due to the fact that all of them faced the same problem of "What do we do with our lives?" Eventually, as Excelcior and Zairo's mother grew older, she started dreaming about moving to a land of warm sands, her once new but now quite familiar second husband agreeing. The two left their childeren with all the skills to find themselves in life, Excelcior and Zairo's mother giving each of them a kiss on the head before she and her husband left to live happily on a quiet warm island. Excelcior felt the dread of time start to weigh down on his mind, seeing his sister somewhat content with her debauchery with the rest of the members of the group, he decided to stand up for his heart. One day they all were gathered in the Sleeping Giant Inn inside of Riverwood where Excelcior got up on a table and said to his group "Friends, all of our times draws near no matter what we do... We all have lost..." He looked across the crowd of friends, a spark of hope in his heart as he sees his sister tear up, catching the moment as he continued "but if we sit idly by we will only loose more, be it love, life, or friends... and I say I will not stand for it." The other patrons peer upon the scene as Excelcior finishes by saying "We are a family and together we will find our lives no matter what perilous journies we must under take for we are Beasts... We are... Beast Knights!" He raises his glass and gets a loud cheer from the room, jumping down with a invigorated grin on his face he leads his friends out into the snowy world of Skyrim, seeking the Greybeards for news of to what to do, fighting through various bandits till they reached the temple they call home. The Greybeards mention the Legend of the Dragonborn, The legends rile the hearts of the group as they take it upon themselves to head out into the world in search of this "Dragonborn" they heard of.

In search of You, Dovahkin.


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    Lykaios Reborn and all of it's requirements.
  • Regular Edition Compatible
    Not Applicable


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